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City Council Minutes
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2/20/2015 2:06:42 PM
Creation date
2/20/2015 1:50:05 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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and more should be added and he would only be supportive of the additional 45 days if <br /> the baseline was confirmed and additional elements added during the discussions. <br /> Eric Clow, Central Drive, suggested that it was an incorrect assumption that it was a <br /> choice between redistricting and the term sheet. He believed the redistricting discussions <br /> were a key reason that the Districts were motivated to resolve the issue. Clow favored <br /> moving forward with the redistricting process in parallel with the negotiations. He <br /> requested that Kerr and Jones consider recusing themselves from the vote on forwarding <br /> the redistricting resolution to the County due to their previously voiced support for <br /> delaying the resolution. <br /> Barry Smith, Estacada Drive, thanked the Council for their efforts. He suggested that the <br /> proposal that had been made was not for a public school similar to what had existed at the <br /> Bullis site but the proposal would bring the Bullis Charter School to the campus. <br /> Joan Schlenz, Paseo del Roble, applauded Mayor Kerr and Councilmembers Jones and <br /> O'Malley for their vote to delay redistricting for a month. She commented that they had <br /> used the month very well. <br /> Nancy Kelem, Esperanza Road, noted that as a BCS parent she was pleased but that the <br /> issue of the school district enrollment boundary line that divided the Town had not been <br /> resolved. She suggested that efforts should be directed towards a three school solution <br /> for the Town. <br /> Peter Evans, La Loma, suggested that it was important that all elements of the framework <br /> to be included in the solution for it to be acceptable. He was concerned that a shared site <br /> at Bullis might not support the potential enrollment and requested that Council consider <br /> including as part of the agreement that the Pinewood site, when its lease was up if there <br /> was a need for additional facility space be made available to the Town. He added that it <br /> was reasonable for the funding for those students that attended Bullis Charter to be equal. <br /> Bart Carey, Deerfield Drive, thanked the Council for their efforts. He recalled Council's <br /> previous commitment that if there was not a signed term sheet in thirty days, the <br /> resolution would be submitted to the County. He suggested that it was important for the <br /> Council to submit the resolution now as they had previously proposed or the School <br /> District and public could question the value of an extension. Carey suggested that the <br /> Council proceed with the redistricting process in parallel with the negotiations. <br /> Mayor Kerr requested Council consensus to release the confidential memo on <br /> redistricting that had been provided to Council by the City Attorney. Councilmember <br /> Mordo did not favor the memo's release, offering that it was not relevant to the <br /> discussions. <br /> Jim Abraham, Los Altos Hills resident, Palo Alto Unified School District, reported that <br /> he had attended the recent meeting organized by PAUSD for interested Town residents. <br /> The majority of those in attendance did not favor redistricting. He offered kudos to <br /> 12 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> April 27,2006 <br />
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