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• Councilmember O'Malley, Committee Council Liaison, commented that the Committee <br /> had been pleased with the survey results and the fact that there had been clearly def ned <br /> wildlife corridors identified in the findings. The data would allow the development of <br /> reasonable and specific wildlife corridors in the Town. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky requested clarification on the establishment of wildlife <br /> corridors and the impact on fencing restrictions. <br /> Spreen explained that the Committee was considering the use of existing "pathways- <br /> wildlife routes" (conservation easements, open space easements) and were seeking a <br /> balance in the protection of wildlife and the rights of property owners to use their land. <br /> He noted that wildlife corridors had been included in the new fence ordinance. Spreen <br /> concluded that the development of the map was still in the review phase and would return <br /> to Council. <br /> Warshawsky questioned if it was not really "deer corridors" that were being established <br /> because small animals are not affected by fences. Spreen responded that deer were the <br /> majority of the large wildlife identified and he understood the need for a balance. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley explained that the property owner would not be restricted from <br /> fencing their property but would be required to leave a small opening for wildlife passage <br /> (10'). O'Malley noted that the Committee was still in the information gathering stage. <br /> Council thanked Spreen for his presentation. <br /> 3. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT <br /> No Report <br /> 4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Items Removed: 4.10 (public), <br /> Mayor Kerr abstained from consideration of payments to Toeniskoetter & Breeding <br /> included in consent calendar item 4.2 due to a potential conflict of interest. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky abstained from consideration of consent calendar item 4.11 <br /> due to a potential conflict of interest. <br /> Councilmember Jones referenced consent calendar item 4.19 and explained that the <br /> payment was for services rendered and to permit timely payment. He expected there <br /> would be additional need for legal consulting services from Ms. Leoni and the Town's <br /> City Attorney Mr. Mattas and his firm, Meyers Nave, in drafting legal documents as the <br /> negotiations to return public education to the Hills moved forward with the School <br /> Districts. Jones advised that the request for additional consulting services would be <br /> considered by Council at a future meeting. <br /> • <br /> 3 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> April 27,2006 <br />