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4.17 Award of Contract: Geotechnical Investigation and Design Services for <br /> Proposed Guard Railing Project at Page Mill Road—Resolution#32-06 <br /> 4.18 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Act on Behalf of the Town <br /> Entering into an Agreement with the VTA—Resolution#33-06 <br /> 4.19 Amendment to Agreement with Nielsen, Merksamer, Parrinello, Mueller & <br /> Naylor, LLP to Add $5,000 for Additional Special Counsel Services <br /> Item Removed: <br /> 4.10 Approval of Draft Resolution of Support for the Santa Clara Initiative for the <br /> Conservation and Preservation of Hillsides, Ranchlands and Agricultural <br /> Lands <br /> Phyllis Carmichael, resident, addressed Council. She explained that she had requested <br /> separate consideration of this item because it would establish zoning restrictions that were <br /> unfair to property owners and would not create new accessible public open space. She <br /> urged the Council to continue the item to a future date and consider all of the inherent <br /> issues before offering their support. <br /> Mary Davies, resident, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Board member, <br /> commented that the purpose of the initiative was to keep the agricultural hills of Santa <br /> Clara Valley"green" and unfettered by development. It was not meant to promote public <br /> accessible open space. Davies noted that the Town had always been supportive of open <br /> space and this was an appropriate initiative for the Council to endorse. <br /> Paul Cardus, Government Affairs Director, Silicon Valley Realtors Association, <br /> addressed Council. He stated that the Association favored responsible open space but had <br /> voted to oppose the initiative noting the concern expressed by farmers, property owners, <br /> and ranchers on the affect the initiative would have on their ability to keep their family <br /> lands together. He suggested that it would be very costly to amend and correct the <br /> initiative policies once it was law. <br /> Peter Drekmeier, Palo Alto City Council member, commented that the Palo Alto City <br /> Council had recently passed a resolution in support of the initiative. He offered that the <br /> initiative would protect view sheds, water sheds and reservoirs and prevent urban sprawl <br /> and it would encourage the continuation of large scale agricultural. Drekmeier added that <br /> similar initiatives had been passed in San Mateo County and Alameda County. <br /> Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Jones offered that he had endorsed the <br /> initiative as an individual and believed it was moderate and reasonable and would assist <br /> in maintaining the "rural character"in Santa Clara Valley. Council concurred. <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> April 27,2006 <br />