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Kerr advised that the Ad-Hoc Subcommittee had met one on one with the stakeholders <br /> and two meetings had been convened with everyone in attendance. He reported that <br /> Councilmember Jones, as a result of the many hours of discussions, had developed a <br /> "road map" to what Kerr believed was "win-win" solution. The "road map" had been <br /> previously released to the media and had been used as a presentation to a group of <br /> concerned parents. Before Council tonight was a second generation "road map" that had <br /> been refined by Kerr and Jones and better clarified the solution. He requested Council <br /> review of the proposal and consideration of the negotiating posture that had been taken by <br /> the Ad-Hoc Subcommittee. <br /> Councilmember Jones offered that he had separated out his opinion on the current status <br /> of the negotiations and would proffer them during discussion of agenda item 5.1.2b <br /> (consideration of forwarding Resolution 25-06 to the County) and his status report would <br /> focus on the facts and results of the extensive negotiations. <br /> Jones presented a two slide presentation that had been developed by himself and Kerr and <br /> was their "best <br /> attempt" at providing an accounting of the negotiations and possible <br /> framework for a solution. The report had been shared with stakeholders and where <br /> appropriate, their input had been incorporated. Jones added that they were looking for a <br /> solution that was fundamental and served all residents with a degree of permanence. He <br /> offered that the central point in an acceptable resolution for the Public Education <br /> Committee was that the solution to be fair and equitable. The City Council was also <br /> • seeking a community/neighborhood school in Los Altos Hills with school enrollment <br /> open to all residents. <br /> Jones proceeded with his presentation titled"Framework for the Future of Los Altos Hills <br /> Public Elementary School Education- Term Sheet: 30-day checkup" The presentation. <br /> included six (6)key points: <br /> 1) A public school at the Bullis-Purissima site that served all residents of Los <br /> Altos Hills, both in the PAUSD and LASD with a signed agreement for <br /> twenty plus (20+) years as a public school; longer term for specific town- <br /> funded facilities. Bullis Charter School (BCS) on site as long as it had a <br /> charter. <br /> 2) Bullis Charter School would be an occupant so long as it had a charter <br /> from the State of California. Bullis Charter School would have space for <br /> 380 students with option (mutual agreement) to grow to 480. The Los <br /> Altos School District (LASD) would have space for up to 100 students to <br /> support LASD programs but not a competitive K-6 program. Occupancy <br /> by December 2007. <br /> 3) For the first time ever, all Los Altos Hills children would have the option <br /> to attend the same K-6 school. Preference for Los Altos Hills children <br /> • who choose to attend BCS with no limit on PAUSD-LAH enrollment. <br /> Jones explained that the current BCS charter would require an amendment <br /> 7 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> April 27,2006 <br />