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6) Equal funding for all Los Altos LASD public elementary students. The <br /> concept was for all students whether attending BCS or District-run public <br /> schools to receive the same amount of tax-payers funding on a per student <br /> basis. Jones noted that this was tied to the rechartering of BCS. <br /> Jones reviewed the "next steps". If Council supported the continuation of the <br /> negotiations, the sub-committee would seek legal support for drafting specific language <br /> for the various elements of the agreement and in parallel, the Los Altos School District <br /> would move forward with their public process that included review of the proposal by the <br /> Citizens Advisory Committee for Finance (CACF), public hearings and vote by the <br /> School Board. <br /> Mayor Kerr reviewed the timeline for the different "stakeholders" review process. The <br /> Palo Alto Unified School District Superintendent and Board President had publicly <br /> supported the inter-district transfers (#3) and Los Altos Hills preference. He stressed that <br /> he believed it was important to resolve the issue before the school year was over to ensure <br /> that residents could attend public hearings on the issue. The Los Altos School District <br /> had indicated that their School Board would vote on the proposal and the future of the <br /> Bullis-Purissima campus at their June 5 meeting prior to the June 8 Los Altos Hills City <br /> Council meeting. Kerr offered that the Council subcommittee would continue their <br /> efforts during the intervening period and work with legal counsel to develop enforceable <br /> agreements that included: a shared use agreement with the Town, Bullis Charter School <br /> and Los Altos School District for the Bullis site; Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) <br /> between the Los Altos School District and Palo Alto Unified School District; and any <br /> additional required documents. He noted that the Bullis Charter School Board also <br /> needed to review and vote on the proposed "framework". <br /> Kerr explained that the Council subcommittee was seeking Council comments and <br /> approval of the framework at tonight's meeting and once endorsed, they would return to <br /> Council on June 8, 2006 with the prepared legal documents for Council consideration. <br /> Jones noted that this time period was approximately 45 days to develop a complete set of <br /> legal agreements to be formally endorsed by all the negotiation participants respective <br /> Boards. <br /> Councilmember Mordo queried if the framework (term sheet) presented by Jones was a <br /> "wish list" for the Town or if the Negotiators were ready to publicly voice their personal <br /> support for the outline. He noted that there had been comments in the press by LASD <br /> Board members that they were opposed to the plan. Kerr responded that the framework <br /> represented what the subcommittee (Kerr and Jones) had identified as the consensus <br /> agreements from the negotiations. He noted that it would probably take additional time <br /> for some of the components (re-chartering of the Bullis Charter School)to be completed. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky suggested that it would be advantageous to the process to <br /> invite representatives from the County and State Offices of Education to participate in the <br /> discussions. He noted that they played a role in a successful resolution including the <br /> • issue of geographical waivers and the re-charter of BCS. <br /> 9 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> April 27,2006 <br />