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Acting City Manager/Planning Director Carl Cahill provided a brief status report on the <br /> DeBell cell facility project. T-Mobile had been given direction to remove the COW from <br /> • the site within the next thirty days, a notice of incompletion had been sent to the vendor <br /> and a letter had been sent to all affected property owners by the Town clarifying the <br /> outstanding issues. Cahill noted that the lot for the proposed tower was constrained and <br /> staff had scheduled a meeting with T-Mobile next week to review alternative construction <br /> options for the project. <br /> Smith thanked staff for their letter and their efforts to keep the neighbors apprised of the <br /> status of theJro'ect. <br /> p <br /> Randoph Harr, resident, commented that he had spoken with Mayor Kerr recently about <br /> the issue of cell towers and he appreciated his generosity of time. He explained that in <br /> addition to the survey that he had presented to the Council at the February 9, 2006 <br /> meeting, he had personally called over fifty residents that were geographically dispersed <br /> throughout the Town to illicit their opinions on cell phone towers and regulations. Harr <br /> had shared with the recipients of his calls, his concern that an ordinance was not in place <br /> governing cell towers. He reported that 90% of those contacted agreed with his concern. <br /> He urged Council to delay consideration of the applications. <br /> Diane Huffinan, Catherine Court, suggested that the Council update the Town's cell <br /> phone policy to include guidelines. She recommended consideration of a citizen's <br /> advisory committee to review cell tower issues. She believed it was the Town's <br /> responsibility to ensure that tower locations were safe and appropriate and not rely on the <br /> • cell phone vendors. <br /> Steve Hubbell, Conejo Court, suggested it would be helpful to educate the residents on <br /> the application process and related issues on cell towers. He suggested the Town's <br /> Newsletter with an article from an independent source would be an appropriate vehicle <br /> for getting the information to residents. <br /> Mark Breier, Esperanza Drive, commented that the citizens of Los Altos Hills had <br /> provided Council with their thoughts on this issue, including the results of the Schireson <br /> telephone survey that he had underwritten. He suggested that citizens had <br /> overwhelmingly expressed that they wanted their input taken into consideration on the <br /> location of cell towers. Brier offered that cell phone technology was rapidly changing and <br /> that Council should embrace all of the new technologies. Brier offered that the CEQA <br /> document that had been prepared for the new Town Hall project had called for the apricot <br /> orchard that was the proposed site for the cell tower to be protected. He suggested that <br /> Council consider relocating the tower to the other side of Town Hall near the entrance <br /> and driveway. For the record, Brier noted that the aerials of Town Hall that were <br /> included in the staff report were not current. <br /> Eric Clow, Central Drive, Planning Commissioner, expressed his appreciation for the <br /> Council's efforts to improve cell phone coverage in Los Altos Hills. He believed the <br /> current cell phone policy had a thoughtful and methodical process in place for siting cell <br /> towers. <br /> 2 Special City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> February 16,2006 <br />