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2/20/2015 1:54:38 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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the most viable and they included: the formation of a K-8 school district; the formation of <br /> • a K-12 school district; and, the transfer of some or all of the Los Altos School District in <br /> Los Altos Hills into the Palo Alto Unified School District. The Committee had sought a <br /> legal assessment of these options and engaged legal counsel Marguerite Mary Leoni of <br /> Nielsen, Merksamer, Parrinello, Mueller and Naylor, LLP to analysis the options for their <br /> legal and political feasibility. Justice-Moore introduced Leoni and noted that she headed <br /> her firm's school district reorganization and legal services practice and was the lead <br /> attorney for the Town of Woodside for the formation of their K-8 school district. Ms. <br /> Leoni had been asked by the Committee to review and provide information on a primary <br /> question; "How can the Town best achieve in-town public education, given the current <br /> school district boundaries, the realities of electoral politics, the property-based revenue <br /> stream, and the legal requirements of the California Educations Code?" and she was <br /> before Council tonight to present her findings on the three options Justice-Moore had <br /> defined. In conclusion, Justice-Moore explained that the Public Education Committee had <br /> not had the opportunity to review the presentation by Ms. Leoni and would present their <br /> recommendations at a future Council meeting. <br /> Marguerite Leoni addressed Council. She provided an overview of her firm's expertise in <br /> electoral and political law districting that included school reorganization. Examples of <br /> reorganizations that she had represented in Santa Clara County and surrounding Counties <br /> included the Emerald Hills Transfer and Moreland Elementary School District. <br /> Leoni proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation. For the purpose of discussion, she <br /> focused on the three most likely reorganization scenarios suggested by the Public <br /> Education Committee that had as their primary goal the return of an elementary school to <br /> the Town of Los Altos Hills. The scenarios included: a Territory Transfer; the formation <br /> of school district K-8; and, the formation of a unified district (K-12). She reviewed the <br /> following questions and their applicable results for each option on schools and attendance <br /> patterns: guarantee of a school in Los Altos Hills; high school district; facilities and <br /> property transfer; parcel taxes; existing bond obligations; and, inter-district transfers for <br /> attendance in existing districts. <br /> Regarding statutory implications associated with the formation of a K-8 school district <br /> and the high school designation of students, Leoni explained that the automatic <br /> presumption would be for the students to feed into Mountain View - Los Altos High <br /> School District. For students to feed into the Palo Alto Unified School District, <br /> administrative waivers would be required from the State Board of Education. Leoni <br /> reviewed the Thompson Bill and its application as an option for a K-8 school feeding into <br /> a 9-12 unified school district. <br /> Leoni outlined the "Nine Criteria" for reorganization and reviewed each individually as <br /> applicable to the Town. They included: <br /> 1) The reorganized districts will be adequate in terms of number of pupils enrolled. <br /> 2) The districts are each organized on the basis of a substantial community identity. <br /> 3) The proposal will result in an equitable division of property and facilities of the <br /> original district or districts. <br /> 2 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> February 9,2006 <br />
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