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The City Council briefly discussed the letter that had been sent by City Manager Maureen <br /> Cassingham to Friends identifying the code violations at Westwind Barn that related to <br /> the living quarters. Jones reminded Council that staff had been directed by Council to <br /> perform the inspection and proceed accordingly. Cassingham explained that a <br /> licensed/insured contractor had been hired by the Friends and would be meeting with the <br /> Town's Building Official to address the life and safety issues at the Barn's living quarters <br /> that had been identified by the Town's consulting building inspector. No one would be <br /> permitted to live at the Barn until the violations were corrected. <br /> City Attorney Mattas discussed the Council's options to consider the potential <br /> expenditures related to the Barn repairs. He noted that they could, if necessary, call a <br /> Special meeting with a twenty-four hour notice or they could entertain a motion to add an <br /> urgency item to tonight's agenda because the issue had come to the attention of the <br /> Council after the meeting agenda had been posted. Mattas advised Council that the <br /> life/safety aspect of the violations had been addressed and the urgency factor would be <br /> based on the timing of the re-occupancy of the living quarters. <br /> Jones suggested that the City Manager could address the interim costs with her signature <br /> authority of $5,000 and if necessary, additional associated costs could be considered at <br /> the next Council meeting. Council concurred that the interim issues could be addressed <br /> by the staff. <br /> Councilmember Mordo reported that he had attended the Emergency Communications <br /> Committee and the Emergency Preparedness Committee meetings. He suggested that it <br /> would be appropriate for the role of the two committees to be better defined and the <br /> membership be advised of their charges. <br /> Mordo reported on his attendance at the City of Los Altos meeting of CERT trained <br /> volunteers and hams that had been organized by Police Chief Lacey to discuss the <br /> formation of a broader emergency group that would supplement the efforts of First <br /> Responders. The proposal included the creation of neighborhood shelters and <br /> coordinated neighborhood safety volunteers. Mordo suggested that a similar program be <br /> started in Los Altos Hills. He noted that the program was not being funded by the City of <br /> Los Altos but supported by grants garnered by Lacey. Mordo recommended that a first <br /> step would be to convene a meeting with Council, staff, and members of the Emergency <br /> Preparedness Committee and Emergency Communications Committee to discuss the <br /> current status of the Los Altos Hills emergency response and the designated roles of <br /> everyone and open the debate of whether it would be appropriate to move in the same <br /> direction as the City of Los Altos. Mordo explained that the City of Los Altos was <br /> entertaining the idea of employing a full-time emergency co-coordinator and suggested <br /> that the Town could possibly share the position. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Dru Anderson, Emergency Communications Committee Chair, reported that she had also <br /> attended the meeting called by Chief Lacey. She acknowledged the efforts of City <br /> Manager Cassingham and Public Safety Officer Steven Garcia to establish the Town's <br /> 11 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 26,2006 <br />