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i <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky suggested that it was important to remember that the cell <br /> phone companies were private networks. He noted that he always appreciated volunteer <br /> efforts on projects and suggested that they could possibly direct their energies towards <br /> educating the public. Warshawsky offered that there were numerous applications "on the <br /> horizon"and he did not want to impede their progress. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> John Harpootlian, Anacapa Drive, commented that the residents that had offered to serve <br /> on the Committee had a wealth of knowledge and expertise on the subject and would <br /> provide a different perspective to Council then the companies that had a financial stake in <br /> the antennas. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky suggested that it would be appropriate to send a town-wide <br /> notice for the cellular facility application public hearings scheduled for the next Council <br /> meeting. <br /> Cahill requested clarification of the mailing, noting that a notice was being sent to <br /> residents within 500 feet of the application. <br /> Council consensus was to send a town-wide notice of the hearing in addition to the <br /> • legally required notice to residents within 500 feet. <br /> 4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Items Removed: 4.1 (City Clerk Karen Jost), 4.3 (Planning Director Carl Cahill) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Warshawsky <br /> and passed unanimously to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar, specifically; <br /> 4.2 Review of Disbursements: 1/5/2006— 1/18/2006 $287,714.52 <br /> 4.4 Dedication of Right-of-Way; Lands of Zamani, 13241 Burke Road— <br /> Resolution#3-06 <br /> 4.5 Approval of Second Amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement for the <br /> Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program— <br /> Resolution#4-06 <br /> 4.6 Authorizing the Filing of an Application for Federal Surface Transportation <br /> Program(STP) Funding for Fremont Road Pavement Rehabilitation Project <br /> and Committing the Necessary Non-Federal Match for Same— <br /> Resolution#5-06 <br /> 3 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 26,2006 <br />