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Items Removed: <br /> • 4.1 Approval of Minutes: Regular City Council Meeting January 12, 2006 <br /> City Clerk Karen Jost requested that this item be continued to the next regular City <br /> Council meeting. <br /> Council concurred with the request. <br /> 4.3 Adoption of Ordinance 442 -Amendments to the Town's Zoning Code with <br /> Regard to Fences , Walls, Gates and Columns (Section 10-1.5.507) (SECOND <br /> READING <br /> Planning Director Carl Cahill explained that resident Richard Steinberg had requested <br /> separate consideration of this item from the consent calendar via an electronic <br /> transmission (e-mail). Council had additionally received correspondence from Bent <br /> Hessen-Schmidt on the item. Council had the correspondence before them. Cahill <br /> explained that Steinberg and Hessen-Schmidt had specifically expressed concern on the <br /> subsection of the proposed ordinance that related to fences located in wildlife corridors <br /> and had suggested that the language in subsection (f)10 "Any fence placed within or <br /> surrounding an officially designated wildlife corridor shall conform to the requirements <br /> specified above for an open space/conservation easement perimeter fence" could <br /> potentially limit the use of their property for agricultural purposes. Cahill offered that the <br /> • language could be amended to read "Any fence crossing or intersecting an officially <br /> designated wildlife corridor ...". He believed this would address their concerns and <br /> added that staff was comfortable with the modification. <br /> Councilmember Mordo, member of the Council Ad Hoc Committee that had drafted the <br /> proposed ordinance, concurred with Cahill and commented that the proposed new <br /> language would not alter the intent of the ordinance or impede the purpose of the wildlife <br /> corridors. Mordo added that the parameters of "wildlife corridors" had yet to be <br /> determined and this had possibly been a factor in the concerns expressed by the residents. <br /> City Attorney Steve Mattas explained that the proposed changes to the ordinance were <br /> within the purview of Council and would not mandate any further review by the Planning <br /> Commission or a re-noticed public hearing. If the changes were accepted, Council would <br /> re-introduce the ordinance, waive reading and schedule the second reading and adoption <br /> of the ordinance at their next Council meeting. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Bent Hessen-Schmidt, Radcliffe Lane, addressed Council. He thanked them for <br /> considering the proposed new language for the ordinance and suggested that the term"bi- <br /> secting" be used in place of the modification suggested by Planning Director Cahill. <br /> Hessen-Schmidt offered that he was also speaking on behalf of his neighbor Dr. <br /> • Steinberg. He submitted that the revision would assuage their apprehension with the <br /> language. Hessen-Schmidt noted that he was an advocate for wildlife programs but <br /> 4 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 26,2006 <br />