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wanted to ensure that the zoning for agricultural-residential use of his property was <br /> retained. He additionally requested a modification to section (g) that related to <br /> exemptions. Hessen-Schmidt thanked the Council and staff for their efforts on the <br /> ordinance and their response to their concerns. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Councilmember Mordo stated that he was uncomfortable with Hessen-Schmidt's <br /> proposed text and believed that the Planning Director's new language would <br /> appropriately address the issue. Mordo added that the exemptions could be best dealt <br /> with in the wildlife corridor ordinance when it was drafted. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Jones and <br /> passed by a 5-0 voice vote, to waive reading and introduce the ordinance as amended. <br /> 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 5.1 Town Goals <br /> 5.1.1 Implementation of Strategic Conservation Goals <br /> Mayor Kerr reported that the Environmental Initiatives Committee was moving forward <br /> on the draft of the energy efficiency ordinance. <br /> • Kerr noted that he had been in discussion with the Los Altos Garbage Company regarding <br /> the use of bio-diesel fuel on the trucks used to serve Los Altos Hills customers. He added <br /> that the State had recently passed a law that would remove the current impediment to <br /> alternative fuel use and this was a positive step forward in achieving the strategic <br /> conservation goal of reducing the Town's use of non-renewable transportation fuels by <br /> 25%. <br /> 5.1.2 Bringing Public Education Back to the Hills <br /> Councilmember Jones requested that Agenda Item 9.1 be considered in parallel with this <br /> item. Council concurred. <br /> Councilmember Jones requested that Council approve in concept a letter from Mayor <br /> Kerr to Superintendent Tim Justus, Los Altos School District. Jones offered that he <br /> would assist in drafting the letter with final approval by the Mayor. Content of the letter <br /> would include the following points: 1) a thank you to Justus for his recent appearance <br /> before Council and encouragement to continue the dialogue with the Town/City Council; <br /> 2) suggestion that the option of returning a partial school to the Bullis-Purissima site by <br /> the Fall 2008 would not be a satisfactory solution to the objective of returning public <br /> education to the Town and encouragement to continue his investigation for a faster and <br /> better solution to meet the needs of the Town—this would include the option of a shared <br /> • site with the District and Bullis Charter School and a dialogue with the Palo Alto Unified <br /> School District for a possible joint District solution to the issue that would best serve the <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 26,2006 <br />