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City Council Minutes
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2/20/2015 2:01:56 PM
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2/20/2015 2:00:20 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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. Justus provided an overview of the District's current efforts to investigate the potential <br /> reopening of the campus. Faculty committees have been created to review the type of <br /> curriculum and instruction delivered and grade levels serviced at Bullis. He offered to <br /> keep the Council apprised of the District's progress in the venture as they reach <br /> appropriate benchmarks. Justus added that he viewed the Bullis campus as a wonderful <br /> site and an important asset to the community and District. <br /> Justus reviewed the additional factors in the District's new approach to the Bullis site: <br /> demographic studies have shown a potential for future increases in school enrollment and <br /> the campus could assist with maintaining an overall enrollment at each school that would <br /> be considered "educationally sound"; funding projections have increased; and the site <br /> offers the opportunity to offer new programs to the community. He-noted that the core <br /> curriculum would be continued at the site but the potential for a different delivery of <br /> instruction was being investigated. <br /> Justus added that the current program of extended day kindergarten had been slated to <br /> continue at Bullis for the next school year and could potentially be expanded to other <br /> sites. <br /> Council thanked Superintendent Justus for his presentation. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley explained that the residents of Los Altos Hills were <br /> instrumental in the successful passage of the school bond measure that was promoted to <br /> • include the refurbishment of the Bullis campus. Residents were very frustrated to have <br /> the school site closed shortly after the measure was passed. Council and residents felt <br /> their interests were not considered by the District Board and have since become advocates <br /> for the Bullis Charter School. O'Malley encouraged the District to locate the Charter <br /> School at the Bullis campus. <br /> Councilmember Jones thanked Superintendent Justus for his appearance and added that <br /> open lines of communication were critical to a successful resolution of issues. He <br /> explained that the Town was divided between two excellent school districts and residents <br /> often feel they are in the minority in both. He had been active in the passage of the <br /> Measure H parcel tax and the closure of Bullis School was very unsettling. The closure <br /> was not due to a decrease in enrollment or for funding needs but because an additional <br /> school was built in Los Altos and the result was a large geographic area of the District <br /> (Los Altos Hills) did not have a school within its boundaries. Jones noted that he was <br /> pleased to hear the District publicly commit to reopen Bullis. He suggested that the <br /> Superintendent consider meeting with the Town's Standing Public Education Committee <br /> and encouraged an open dialogue and exchange of ideas with the membership. <br /> Justus offered that he believed the area should have an elementary school and added that <br /> the Bullis site was a unique asset as a community resource. He agreed that it would be <br /> beneficial to meet with the PEC. <br /> Mayor Kerr offered that the strong stand that City Council took in opposition to the <br /> District leasing the site to a private school was one of the reasons the school site was <br /> 2 <br /> City Council Meeting Agenda <br /> January 12,2006 <br />
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