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3. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT <br /> Planning Director Carl Cahill reported that the Planning Commission had met on <br /> December 8, 2005. He noted that the Commission had reviewed Lands of Malavalli, a <br /> request for a new residence and auxiliary buildings. The project was approved by a 5-0 <br /> vote. Discussion had centered on the Pathways Committee's recommendation, with the <br /> Commission confirming the Pathways Committee's request that called for the <br /> construction of a native path as shown on the 2005 Master Path Map. Two additional <br /> items on the meeting agenda were for fence exceptions. Both requests were denied. <br /> Cahill advised Council that the Planning Commission had approved the draft fence <br /> ordinance and noted that the draft ordinance would be scheduled for a public hearing <br /> before Council for their consideration of adoption in January. <br /> Cahill explained that the draft ordinance on highly visible lots had been continued b the <br /> p g Y Y <br /> Commission for further review. <br /> Cahill reported that the Commission had also continued the discussion of the prezoning <br /> of unincorporated San Antonio Hills scheduled as Public Hearing Item 11.1 on tonight's <br /> Council's agenda. The Commission was seeking additional information on the subject <br /> and recommended that Council continue the hearing to such time as the Commission had <br /> completed their review and could provide the appropriate recommendations. <br /> • Cahill informed Council that the County of Santa Clara and Stanford University had <br /> reached consensus on the Sl trail and were moving forward with the S 1 C alignment. <br /> Council had before them a map of the trail and press release of the agreement. Town <br /> staff had requested funds to improve the path alignment segment through Town and funds <br /> up to $1 million dollars would be provided. A formal agreement between the Town and <br /> Stanford would return to Council at a future meeting for their approval. <br /> 4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Items Removed: 4.4 (Mordo/O'Malley) 4.5 and 4.9 (O'Malley) 4.7 (Kerr) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar with Mayor Kerr <br /> abstaining on the payment to Toeniskoetter & Breeding included as a dispursement in <br /> agenda item 4.2 due to a potential conflict of interest: <br /> 4.1 Approval of Minutes: Regular City Council Meeting December 2, 2005 <br /> 4.2 Review of Disbursements: 11/23/2005 — 12/2/2005 $285,786.68 <br /> 4.3 Acceptance of the 2004-2005 Street Rehabilitation, Storm Drain <br /> Improvements and Pavement Marking Project—Resolution No.113-05 <br /> 2 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> December 15,2005 <br />