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Councilmember O'Malley, speaking as a resident, stated that the non-resident users of <br /> Westwind were paying for boarding of their horses and use of the arena and that reducing <br /> availability of arena time could potentially impact the boarding income for the Barn. <br /> Jane Kawasaki reviewed the scheduling and arena configurations with Council. She <br /> explained that the smaller, enclosed arena was needed for the beginning lessons. If the <br /> YRRP was moved to the lower arena it would impact the pony club. The solution was <br /> the construction of the additional arena <br /> Nancy Couperus, Page Mill Road, clarified that the 4-H Handicapped Riding Program <br /> used the upper arena for two hours a week. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Councilmember Mordo stated that he could'vote affirmatively for the expenditure of <br /> funds with a guarantee of ten hours of instruction per week and verification that the <br /> program was successful. He stated that he would like Council to task the Friends of <br /> Westwind and Parks and Recreation Department to renegotiate the terms for the use of <br /> the arena. <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding the Council authorization for the payment of <br /> identified .program costs including the rental of the stalls for the program horses. <br /> Councilmember Mordo stated that he would not support any expenditure. <br /> • Rebecca Hickman, Parks and Recreation program, questioned Councilmember Mordo's <br /> motivation when the Council had embraced the YRRP program. <br /> City Manager Cassingham suggested that the stall rental fees for the program horses <br /> could be paid under her signature authority. <br /> Nancy Couperus, Page Mill Road, suggested that the lower arena could be used for the <br /> YRRP with the use of cones. <br /> Council consensus was to have the City Manager pay for the stall rental for the program <br /> horses under her signature authority and to revisit the remaining program expenditures at <br /> a future meeting. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Proposed Town-Wide Single Stream Recycling Program <br /> City Manager Maureen Cassingham introduced this item to Council and provided a brief <br /> overview of the proposal for Town-wide single stream recycling. A pilot program had <br /> been initiated in September, 2005. Attached to the Council's staff report was a letter <br /> from Los Altos Garbage Company's General Manager John Zirelli with the results of the <br /> pilot program for the Town. Given the success of the pilot, the Town was being asked to <br /> approve the use of this collection method for the remainder of the contract which expired <br /> on September 30, 2008. Cassingham noted that single stream recycling would require <br /> 10 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 17,2005 <br />