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one less vehicle which would positively impact the environment and expectations where <br /> that the program would increase recycling volumes and reduce customer inconvenience in <br /> separating recyclables. The sole impact from the change in collection would be an <br /> estimated loss in the Town's annual revenue of$12,426 due to higher processing costs. <br /> However, increased tonnage under this collection method would assist the Town in <br /> meeting and exceeding its AB939 State mandates for recycling compliance. <br /> John Zirelli, LAGCo General Manager, addressed Council. He explained that the current <br /> recycling pick-up schedule for residents would not change. Zirelli reviewed the revised <br /> operation plan and the use of smaller compaction trucks for single stream recycling. He <br /> noted that there would not be an increase in garbage rates for residents but the program <br /> would generate a smaller reimbursement to the Town. Zirelli explained that LAGCo was <br /> currently investigating the use of alternative fuel vehicles and he would return to Council <br /> at a future meeting with his findings. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Jay Shideler, Environmental Initiatives Committee, complemented LAGCo on their <br /> proposal. He reviewed with Council his findings from the review of several case studies <br /> that had been conducted on the subject of single stream recycling. The studies supported <br /> the increase in recycling tonnage. The only concern with the process was cross <br /> contamination from glass breakage. User education was a critical element in the success <br /> of the program. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> • <br /> Zirelli noted that LAGCo was planning an education campaign that included instructional <br /> mailings with residents' bills. <br /> Council briefly discussed the proposal. They supported the program noting that it would <br /> be more environmentally friendly and more convenient for residents. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by O'Malley, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the Town-Wide Single Stream Recycling Program as <br /> proposed by the Los Altos Garbage Company. <br /> 6.2 Consideration of Councilmember Appointment to the Valley Transportation <br /> Authority Board of Directors <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Jones and <br /> passed unanimously to appoint Mayor Breene Kerr as the Town's representative to the <br /> Valley Transportation Authority Board of Directors. <br /> 6.3 Proposed Agreement between the County of Santa Clara and Town Granting <br /> Homeland Security Funding for Emergency Management and CERT <br /> Item continued to the December 1, 2005 City Council Meeting <br /> • <br /> 11 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 17,2005 <br />