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Councilmember Mordo commented that he was supportive of the proposal's Scope of <br /> Services Task 1 and Task 2 as identified but believed that Task 3 should be performed in <br /> conjunction with the Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee. Task 3 called for the development of <br /> an evaluation report that included alternative methods for restoration of the Barn. <br /> Cassin ham offered that the proposal could be resubmitted to Mark Thomas & Co. for a <br /> g p p <br /> rebid of the project with the amendment as noted to the scope of work. She suggested <br /> that there was a potential for an increase in the cost of the services and would bring the <br /> revised proposal back to Council at a future meeting for their consideration. <br /> Council briefly discussed Councilmember Mordo's suggested modification to the <br /> proposal. Council determined that the report would be a "first draft" report on the <br /> restoration of the Barn and would not prejudice the design phase methodology. They <br /> accepted the scope of work as defined n the proposal. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to approve Resolution No.108-05 authorizing Mark Thomas & Co. <br /> to provide certain professional services to inspect and comprehensively evaluate <br /> Westwind Barn. Councilmember O'Malley recused himself from consideration of this <br /> item and did not participate in the vote. <br /> 5.6 Proposed Restoration of Town Riding Ring <br /> City Manager Maureen Cassingham introduced this item to Council. Council had before <br /> • them a staff report that included a detailed proposal from the Los Altos Hills Horsemen's <br /> Association for renovation of the Town ring to permit year round use of the facility. The <br /> proposal called for the installation of a new ring surface system. Cassingham provided a <br /> summary of the review of the project that had been conducted by the Parks and <br /> Recreation Committee and their recommendations. Initially, the Committee had <br /> recommended that the project be funded by Park Bond Act funds, but following'a more <br /> recent review, the Committee was recommending that the project be financed from Town <br /> General Funds. This financing proposal for the Ring restoration would ensure that Park <br /> Bond Act funds were available for other non-horse projects and facilities. <br /> Lori Askew, LAHHA President, addressed Council. She thanked them for their <br /> consideration of the Association's proposal to restore the Town's Ring on Purissima <br /> Road. Askew spoke to the recent revival of interest in horsemanship and the benefit to <br /> the community to have a public arena in a different geographical location than Westwind <br /> Barn. She promoted the Town Ring as a safe riding facility for children and an excellent <br /> venue to exercise and train horses. The ring also supported numerous community <br /> equestrian events. Askew offered that the ring's surface was rapidly deteriorating and <br /> needed to be addressed to ensure proper footing for equestrian activities. <br /> Councilmember Jones expressed his support for equestrian recreation facilities but <br /> requested additional information from the Parks and Recreation Committee on non- <br /> equestrian facilities available to the community. <br /> • <br /> 7 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 17,2005 <br />