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i <br /> Valerie Metcalfe, Parks and Recreation Committee, clarified that the Committee had <br /> originally proposed a sports court be constructed at the arena with Park Bond Act funds <br /> because the Town Ring was being underutilized. This was approximately eighteen <br /> months ago. Since that time, the Los Altos Hills Horsemen's Association had increased <br /> its membership, revitalized the ring and held numerous events. The Committee was very <br /> supportive of the Association's request for restoration of the ring, noting that it was an <br /> existing asset that could be restored with minimum resources. The Committee had <br /> continued to investigate a sports court for the Town and was now focused on the <br /> possibility of using facilities at surrounding schools. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley explained that LAHHA had been dormant for several years but <br /> interest in the ring and Association had been galvanized when Council had engaged in <br /> discussions to use the site for a school. He offered that the Town Ring was open to the <br /> public, very accessible and easy to use. O'Malley suggested that if the Town Ring were <br /> to remain at the site, he supported the restoration proposal. He noted that the use of Park <br /> Bond Act funds for the project would require the relinquishment of the arena scheduling <br /> and maintenance currently performed by LAHHA to the Town. <br /> Councilmember Mordo supported the restoration and suggested that a <br /> bathroom/washroom facility be considered in the proposal. He recommended using Park <br /> Bond Act funds for the project. <br /> Council discussion ensued. Council considered additional improvements at the site <br /> including shade covering, water and bathrooms. Councilmember O'Malley suggested <br /> that any additional improvements be built so that they were not a future deterrent to a <br /> sports court in the vicinity. They encouraged the Parks and Recreation Committee to <br /> continue their quest for a sports court and soccer field site and recreation facilities for <br /> non-horse activities. <br /> Jolon Wagner, Robleda Court, commented that it would be very useful to have a <br /> bathroom closer to the ring. Currently,they use the Little League facilities. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND _CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Jones and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the request for funding for the reconstruction of the Town <br /> Ring as proposed by the Los Altos Hills Horsemen's Association and to direct staff to <br /> return to Council with a formal application to the State for the use of Park Bond Act <br /> funds for the project. Council also requested staff to provide cost estimates for the <br /> additional suggested improvements at the site. <br /> 5.7 Report on Proposed Year Round Riding Program Operating Revenues and <br /> Expenses/Park Bond Act Funding Date Requirements <br /> Councilmember O'Malley recused himself from consideration of this item and stepped <br /> down from the dais. <br /> City Manager Maureen Cassingham introduced this item to Council. Council had before <br /> • them a spreadsheet that identified current Year Round Riding Program costs with four <br /> hours/week with two horses and the proposed expanded program for ten hours/week with <br /> 8 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 17,2005 <br />