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i <br /> four horses and the use of the new arena. Cassingham noted that the subsidy by the Town <br /> was reduced with the proposed expanded program. The subsidy could be further reduced <br /> if the Parks and Recreation Committee added more horses, hours or increased program <br /> fees. The report also included information on Park Bond Act funds and their respective <br /> deadlines for applications. <br /> Councilmember Mordo requested clarification on the line item of horse rentals. <br /> City Manger Cassingham responded that the Town was proposing to rent the horses as <br /> outlined in the staff report from Jane Kawasaki. Cassingham explained that she had the <br /> investment in the horses and would bear the bear the associated costs. <br /> Councilmember Mordo questioned why the Town would enter into an agreement with a <br /> resident that would generate a financial loss for them. <br /> Rebecca Hickman, Parks and Recreation Committee Member, explained that Jane <br /> Kawasaki has had a passion for the program since its inception three years ago. <br /> Kawasaki and Committee members had volunteered their services and time to institute <br /> recreational programs for the children of the Town. She considered Kawasaki's <br /> commitment to the Year Round Riding Program a gift to the community. <br /> Councilmember Jones requested clarification on the scheduling of horses and classes at <br /> Westwind <br /> • Valerie Metcalfe, Fremont Road, explained that there were time commitments to other <br /> users of the ring and the Year Round Riding Program did not want to displace anyone. <br /> The lease agreement with Friends of Westwind Board specified the amount of time that <br /> was allocated to the Parks and Recreation Department's programs. She offered that the <br /> demand for additional sessionswas strong and that was one of the main reasons they were <br /> pursuing the additional arena.. Metcalfe explained the schedule for the Westwind arenas <br /> that included use by the 4-H Handicapped program,pony club,boarders and YRRP. <br /> Jane Kawasaki explained that the program had been.expanded to four horses. <br /> Councilmember Mordo offered that he was questioning why a new arena was needed for <br /> additional class hours when the majority of users/boarders at Westwind Barn were non <br /> residents. <br /> Council suggested that this was an ancillary topic and could be reviewed at a more <br /> appropriate time. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> John Harpootlian, Anacapa Drive, commented that the Westwind Lease stipulated that <br /> the Board membership be comprised of a majority of residents. He offered that at <br /> previous Board meetings there had been three seated non-residents. Harpootlian noted <br /> that 75% of the membership of Friends of Westwind were non-residents and subsequently <br /> would support Directors who were sympathetic to their issues. <br /> 9 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 17,2005 <br />