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facilities were needed for other recreational programs including a natural soccer field and <br /> sports court. <br /> Councilmember Mordo distributed a proposal to Council titled "Year Round Riding <br /> Program Structure". Mordo offered that he supported the program but was in favor of <br /> continuing discussion of the project until the governance issues were resolved and the <br /> structure of the program was clarified. He reviewed his proposal with Council. Mordo <br /> stated that to the best of his knowledge there was no agreement that defined the <br /> responsibility of costs and definitive reporting procedures. He suggested that his proposal <br /> provided the basic fiduciary duty for the use of Town funds and facilities and when the <br /> number of participants reached a certain predetermined benchmark,then the Town should <br /> move forward with the construction of the third arena. <br /> City Manager Maureen Cassingham explained that there was a current agreement in place <br /> with Jane Kawasaki for the lease of horses. The agreement template was in place and <br /> could be used by anyone who wished to lease horses to the Town for the program. It <br /> could be modified to reflect the program in its enhanced state. Cassingham added that <br /> there were draft numbers on the program that could be reviewed to see what the initial <br /> subsidy of the program would be. She noted that Ms. Kawasaki was shouldering most of <br /> the costs for the program during its infancy and development. <br /> Mayor Kerr offered that he did not wish to delay the implementation of the program. He <br /> believed there was adequate time to set milestones. <br /> Councilmember Jones concurred that he did not want to postpone the arena until the <br /> program reached a certain subscription level. He wanted to see the facility built. Jones <br /> suggested that the proposal before Council was consideration of a capital expenditure <br /> item for the construction of the arena. The program was administered by the Parks and <br /> Recreation Department. The contract for the horses, etc. was a totally different <br /> transaction than approval of the arena. He offered that the program could potentially be <br /> administered by a different person each year. The arena facility was for the benefit of the <br /> Town and should be available for the program and additional future programs. <br /> Mayor Kerr advised that he would like the option of covering a ring at the Barn at a future <br /> date. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the design phase of the proposed Year Round Riding <br /> Program Arena project (uncovered) at Westwind Barn, to be undertaken as a Town <br /> Capital Improvement. Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky and Councilmember O'Malley <br /> recused themselves from consideration of this item and did not participate in the vote. <br /> • <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 3,2005 <br />