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Council discussed the draft letter. Councilmember Mordo expressed his concern that if <br /> they did not investigate pension benefits, they would not revisit the issue. Following <br /> discussion, Council consensus was to narrow the scope of the letter directed to Mayors of <br /> other cities to a study of retiree health benefits. If there were no response to the letter or a <br /> limited response, the cost of the study might be prohibitive and the City Council could <br /> revisit the proposal. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to authorize a letter from the Mayor to Mayors of other communities <br /> asking them to join the Town in a study of health insurance benefits for retirees. <br /> Staff was directed to send the letter to all cities in Santa Clara County and San Mateo <br /> County. <br /> 6.3 Consideration of Proposed Revision to Standing Committee Resolution No. <br /> 66-05 —Finance and Investment Committee Membership Requirements <br /> Frank Lloyd, Finance and Investment Committee, explained that the Committee was <br /> seeking an amendment to the Standing Committee Resolution pertaining to Finance and <br /> Investment Committee membership eligibility requirements. He offered that the new <br /> requirements were more realistic and still ensured that the members had the appropriate <br /> finance background. <br /> Council had the new requirements before them in a staff report authored by <br /> • Administrative Services Director Sarah Joiner. Following a brief discussion, Council <br /> consensus was to approve the proposed revisions. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to amend the membership requirements to the Finance and <br /> Investment Committee as identified in Standing Committee Resolution No.66-05 to read: <br /> "The membership of this Committee shall consist of eight (8) members. Members shall <br /> meet at least one of the following qualifications: (1) five years accounting and financial <br /> experience in a public corporation, municipal government or privately held business; (2) <br /> financial officer of a public corporation with five years experience; (3) investment officer <br /> of a F.D.I.C. member institution with five years experience; (4) money manager who <br /> specializes in corporate or government agency issues with a minimum of five years <br /> experience; or (5) five years experience in investment banking, venture capital and/or <br /> general management." <br /> City Attorney Steve Mattas, with the Council's consent, since the new wording was <br /> crafted and approved, staff would make the necessary changes to the resolution. Council <br /> concurred. (Adoption of Resolution No.79-05) <br /> • <br /> 7 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 3,2005 <br />