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7. REPORTS FROM-COMMITTEES, SUB-COMIVIITTEES, AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> Councilmember Jones reported that the Public Education Committee had met and per the <br /> direction of the City Council were assembling facts concerning public education issues in <br /> Los Altos Hills. A subcommittee, chaired by Jill Jensen, had been established to assist <br /> with the process. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley reported that the General Plan Ad Hoc Committee had met. <br /> Following an initial review of the document, they determined that it was replete with <br /> inaccuracies and will first read and address the inaccuracies and identify the issues before <br /> moving forward with any policy changes. This would ensure that the General Plan was a <br /> correct document before the more formal committee begins the update process. Former <br /> Mayor Elayne Dauber and Former Planning Commissioners Carol Gottlieb, Janet Vitu, <br /> Dot Schreiner, and Planning Commissioner Chairman Carl Cottrell would assist <br /> Councilmember O'Malley with the initial review. <br /> Council consensus was supportive of the process. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky reported that the Pathways Committee had met. Stan Bond, <br /> National Park Service, Jane Mark, Santa Clara County Parks and Councilmember <br /> O'Malley attended the session to review and discuss potential routes for the Anza Trail. <br /> Warshawsky noted that approximately 40 residents were also in attendance. The <br /> Committee approved a two fold option plan: 1) to work with the County to define a route <br /> • around Los Altos Hills through the County lands; and 2) if the first plan did not succeed, <br /> to establish a preferred environmental route along roadside paths. <br /> Councilmember Mordo reported that he had withdrawn his appeal of the Planning <br /> Commission approval of the Lands of Goese application following a successful resolution <br /> with the applicant. The applicant had agreed to not plant a vineyard in the conservation <br /> easement and to restore the area primarily with native plants. <br /> 7.1 Recommendations for up to $2.5 Million Financing Alternatives for the <br /> Purchase of Land for Bullis Charter School—Lalla Stark, Chair,Finance and <br /> Investment Committee <br /> Frank Lloyd, Finance and Investment Committee, reported that the Committee, at the <br /> direction of the City Council, had reviewed the Town's reserves and funds up to $2.5 <br /> million were available. The Committee at their next meeting will review financing <br /> alternatives. Councilmember Mordo noted that the Committee would also review <br /> revenue projections. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Stuart Bessler, Canario Way, expressed his opposition to any Town funding of the <br /> Charter School. He suggested that the letter that Council was drafting to residents should <br /> solicit input from the community. He believed there was a large contingency of <br /> unorganized residents opposed to the funding proposal. <br /> 8 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 3,2005 <br />