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CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Council explained that no action would be taken on the Partnership request until a public <br /> hearing was held on the matter and residents had the opportunity to offer their input. <br /> Council noted that they were launching a campaign to educate residents on the issues and <br /> the potential benefits to returning a school to Los Altos Hills. <br /> 8. STAFF REPORTS <br /> 8.1 City Manager <br /> • Update on Mayfield Development <br /> City Manager Maureen Cassingham explained that per the Council direction for regular <br /> progress reports on the Mayfield Development project, she was advising them of the <br /> current status. Mr. Emslie, Palo Alto Planning and Community Development Director, <br /> had informed her that in mid-July neighbors of the Stanford Research Park had organized <br /> a neighborhood meeting for the discussion of the project. Los Altos Hills neighbors had <br /> been invited. A product of the meeting discussion was the possible study of signalization <br /> at Coyote Hill and Page Mill, which might negate the need for any signalization at <br /> Arastradero and Page Mill and Arastradero and Deer Creek Road. The findings of the <br /> community meeting have been forwarded to the Palo Alto Traffic Engineering <br /> department for review. <br /> City Manager Cassingham noted that she would continue to monitor the neighborhood <br /> meetings and would garner the names of the Los Altos Hills participants. <br /> 8.2 City Attorney <br /> 8.3 City Clerk <br /> 8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br /> 9. COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS <br /> 9.1 Proposal for Plants and Plant Maintenance at Town Hall-Councilmember Mordo <br /> Councilmember Mordo explained that he had brought this item before Council for their <br /> consideration because he thought the plants that had been arranged in Town Hall by <br /> Sandy Humphries for the dedication ceremony looked very nice in the facility. He had <br /> asked Humphries to provide Council with a proposal. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Fremont Road, Tree Temps, commented that she had been providing <br /> plant services in the community as a business for approximately 17 years. She distributed <br /> a proposal to Council. Humphries noted that the proposal was for the items that were <br /> used for the dedication. The plants could be leased or purchased. Humphries suggested <br /> that if plants were to be located in the lobby, it was dark and more lights might be <br /> required. She reviewed costs for purchasing the plants with Council. <br /> 9 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 3,2005 <br />