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Tom Jordan, Palo Alto, expressed his opinion as a former land-use attorney that the Town <br /> had not been properly notified during the comment period of the EIR. He suggested that <br /> • the Town request that the comment period be reopened to permit a full review of the <br /> report including the traffic management plan. Jordan suggested that there had not been an <br /> "effective notice" of the project and public hearing. <br /> Dru Anderson, Saddle Court, encouraged the Council and Palo Alto and regional <br /> participants to integrate what was actually being reviewed and seek a solution for the <br /> traffic being introduced onto Arastradero Road. She would like a review of potential <br /> future problems by the region and hoped Council would seek a long-term solution for the <br /> residents. <br /> Resident, noted that he was a "walker" and was very concerned about the increase of <br /> traffic along Arastradero Road. He believed that any additional construction in the <br /> Stanford Research Park would create traffic congestion. <br /> R. K. Arnand, Saddle Mountain Drive, offered that the existing traffic signs on <br /> Arastradero act as governors and regulate speed. He noted that traffic lights would <br /> potentially divert traffic through Town and suggested that the Town and Palo Alto <br /> address the situation by seeking a long-term solution with the proposal of a future <br /> increase of square footage at the Research Park. <br /> Betsey Allyn, Palo Alto resident, addressed Council and described the efforts of the <br /> twelve neighborhood's surrounding Arastradero to work with the City of Palo Alto to <br /> • develop a safe neighborhood residential arterial corridor along Arastradero Road to <br /> ensure safety for the pedestrians, bicyclists, students and residents of the area and to <br /> maintain their quality of life. She expressed her frustration with the process and believed <br /> that the Mayfield Development Agreement would eventually lead to Arastradero <br /> becoming a four-lane road from Foothill Expressway to Highway 280. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Fremont Road, questioned why Stanford was increasing the square <br /> footage of their Research Park when there was not an apparent need, noting the current <br /> vacancy rate of the facilities. <br /> Dot Schreiner, Saddle Mountain Road, applauded the Town residents for their excellent <br /> comments. She questioned why the notification radius had been limited to 650 feet and <br /> offered that this did not reflect the true impact of the project. Schreiner believed the <br /> project was in direct conflict with the Town's goals as defined in the Circulation Element <br /> of the General Plan and suggested further discussions between the Town, Palo Alto and <br /> Stanford noting the regional impact of the proposed Development. <br /> Fred Bahln, Palo Alto, College neighborhood, explained that he had formed a "grass <br /> roots" neighborhood effort to respond to concerns regarding housing compatibility and <br /> traffic impacts from the proposed Development. He suggested that the Mayfield <br /> Development review process had been rushed and filled with oversights and offered <br /> several supporting examples including the omission of the Town during the comment <br /> period. He believed that the traffic analysis contained serious flaws and offered that <br /> • <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> May 19,2005 <br />