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concerned citizens from the impacted neighboring communities should join forces for <br /> maximum impact for their collective goals. <br /> • Joseph Sieger, Old Trace Lane, addressed Council. He explained that the residents of Los <br /> Altos Hills either did not receive notification of the Palo Alto Public Hearing on the <br /> Mayfield Development Agreement or if they were noticed, received a misleading notice <br /> regarding a Hearing on playing fields. Sieger noted that that the rural character of Los <br /> Altos Hills differs greatly from Palo Alto and suggested that the Town needed the <br /> appropriate time to analyze what they were being told by Palo Alto to more clearly assess <br /> the impact of the proposal. <br /> Jitze Couperus, Page Mill Road, suggested that the Public Hearing notification from Palo <br /> Alto regarding the Mayfield Agreement was "defective" and did not reflect any potential <br /> impact to Arastradero Road. Couperus urged the City Council to consult with the City <br /> Attorney to see if the notification to "neighbors" and "government to government" was <br /> defective and what measures could be taken by the Council to reopen the process. <br /> Nancy Hughes, Old Trace Lane, explained that she loved the rural character of Los Altos <br /> Hills and expressed her concern that traffic lights would tempt drivers to increase their <br /> speed to "get through" the light. She believed Arastradero could eventually become a <br /> race track and noted that this was a highly traveled school route corridor with pedestrians <br /> and students on bicycles. <br /> Colette Cranston, Fremont Road, reported that she had viewed the first reading of the <br /> Development Ordinance by the Palo Alto City Council and provided a brief summary of <br /> • the proceedings and Council Member comments. She suggested that if Stanford and Palo <br /> Alto want to merge on the project, they should consider mitigating the impacts within <br /> their own boundaries. She questioned why the mitigation was being placed on the <br /> residential area versus the industrial/recreational/institutional areas. Cranston asked <br /> Council to protect her neighborhood and the Town's northern border from the actions of <br /> other communities. <br /> John Harpootlian, Anacapa Drive, suggested that the process should be slowed down. He <br /> believed the project had the potential to seriously impact the Town and requested Council <br /> make every effort to reopen the EIR process for review and comment. <br /> Homa Yazdani, Baker Lane, encouraged the Council to request the reopening of the EIR <br /> review and comment phase to permit adequate time to study the Development proposal. <br /> She asked for a formal response from Council to the questions expressed by the residents <br /> at tonight's meeting. <br /> Kim Cranston, Fremont Road, thanked Mayor Pro Tem Kerr for bringing the <br /> Development Agreement to his attention and the City Council for their efforts in having <br /> the Palo Alto City Council defer their final vote until the Town had the opportunity to <br /> discuss the project at tonight's meeting. He distributed a copy of the Public Hearing <br /> Notice that he had received explaining that from the notice he was unable to discern why <br /> he was receiving it. He questioned the validity of the comments being expressed by the <br /> • Palo Alto staff in light of the deceptive notice language. Cranston explained that his <br /> 6 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> May 19,2005 <br />