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major concerns were the proposed traffic signals and their impact on Los Altos Hills and <br /> that Los Altos Hills be fully engaged in all future development of the Research Park. He <br /> • advised Council that the City Council final hearing on the project was scheduled for May <br /> 24th and if approved, all subsequent hearings regarding the project would be before the <br /> Palo Alto Architectural Review Board which had no authority over traffic issues. <br /> Cranston suggested Council request the Palo Alto City Council delay the final hearing for <br /> 10 days to permit renoticing —this would permit the Council to consider removal of the <br /> signal lights as a mitigation. He noted that as private residents, they have hired legal <br /> counsel and suggested that Council may wish to seek a second opinion on the matter. <br /> Resident addressed Council and described her experiences on Arastradero with "road <br /> rage". She is very concerned that the addition of traffic signals would encourage people <br /> to drive faster. <br /> Resident, explained that he preferred the four way stop signs that now exist on <br /> Arastradero because they discourage traffic and encourage safe speeds. <br /> Baljit D. Vikamsingh, strongly encouraged the Council to prevent the disruption of the <br /> sanctity that prevails in Los Altos Hills. She urged them to stop the installation of signal <br /> lights on Arastradero. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Councilmember Mordo expressed his belief that this was a broader issue than traffic <br /> • lights on Arastradero. He offered that the issue was not only how to mitigate traffic now <br /> but how to plan for future traffic when the Research Park is completely built out <br /> including the option to divert traffic from Arastradero. Mordo did not want to appear as <br /> an obstructionist of the Mayfield Development Agreement but believed that more time <br /> was needed to review the project. He concurred that the Public Hearing Notice was <br /> inadequate. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Kerr agreed that additional study was required and he would like to move <br /> forward with steps to prevent the installation of the traffic lights. He suggested that he <br /> would like to see efforts from Palo Alto towards a feasible long term solution to the <br /> traffic impact that would include better management of traffic flows. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky concurred that he would like the opportunity to reopen the <br /> comment period and requested clarification from the City Attorney on Council's position. <br /> City Attorney Steve Mattas offered that the City Council could go on record to request <br /> further consideration of the Environmental Impact Report with additional time to review <br /> the documents and report them in their entirety to the City Council. Mattas explained that <br /> it was important for Council to determine what their immediate goal was at this time: 1) <br /> no traffic signals but concurrence with the other approvals; or 2) objection to the overall <br /> approvals. He reviewed the Public Hearing Notice with Council and agreed that it would <br /> have been difficult for residents of Los Altos Hills who received the notice to understand <br /> the impact of the Development on their own adjacent properties. Mattas explained that <br /> • he would like to review further issues with Council in greater depth in Closed Session. <br /> 7 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> May 19,2005 <br />