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City Manager Cassingham advised Council that the Council/Staff goal setting session was <br /> scheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2005. The interview schedules had been confirmed with <br /> • facilitator Bill Lewis. The framework for the day has been identified by Lewis as <br /> beginning at 8:30 a.m. with business beginning at 9:00 a.m. Items of discussion included <br /> the consideration of proposals for park bond monies and the goal setting process. The <br /> session is tentatively scheduled to conclude at 3:30—4:00 pm. Cassingham noted that the <br /> session was open to the public. <br /> Council concurred with the schedule. <br /> 8.2 City Attorney <br /> 8.3 City Clerk <br /> 8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br /> 9. COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS <br /> 10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Kim Cranston, Fremont Road, addressed Council and advised them of a notice that he <br /> had received from the City of Palo Alto regarding the proposed development by Stanford <br /> of additional office space across from Xerox Park on Hillview and Foothill. Cranston <br /> • noted that the identified mitigation for the proposed project was the installation of traffic <br /> signals on Hillview/Fremont/Arastradero Road and Deer Creek/Arastradero Road. He <br /> expressed his concern that this could have a negative impact on Los Altos Hills residents <br /> with an increase in traffic, notably on Fremont Road from motorists attempting to avoid <br /> the traffic signals and heavy traffic on Arastradero. He encouraged the Council to direct <br /> staff to respond to the notice and request inclusion in any future study of the proposal. <br /> Cranston believed that the residents of the Town were not properly noticed and there <br /> would be significant impact on residents from the increased traffic. He suggested that the <br /> City of Palo Alto should be encouraged to direct traffic away from the Hills. Cranston <br /> feared that Arastradero would eventually become a four-lane road to Interstate 280. <br /> Mayor O'Malley noted that the Council had reviewed this issue at a previous meeting and <br /> had determined that Arastradero was within the Palo Alto boundaries. Staff had been <br /> directed to send a letter to the City regarding the proposal. <br /> City Manager Cassingham explained that staff had written the City of Palo Alto and <br /> requested to be a part of the project's Environmental Review process. Former City <br /> Engineer Dave Ross added that the construction of the signals at the two locations would <br /> require the preparation of an environmental document. The actual installation would <br /> require the placement of signal loops within the Town's boundary and Palo Alto's staff <br /> had confirmed that an invitation to comment on the documents would be forwarded to the <br /> Town. Ross offered to contact Palo Alto with a follow-up discussion. <br /> • <br /> 10 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> May 5,2005 <br />