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Colette Cranston, Fremont Road, clarified that the City of Palo Alto had already <br /> conducted their first reading of the project. The project's application (office space) had <br /> • bypassed the Planning Commission review process and was moving very quickly. She <br /> was concerned that the project could be finalized in 30-60 days and would potentially <br /> lead to Arastradero Road being widened to four lanes and changing the rural nature of the <br /> existing one lane winding road. She asked the City Council to act quickly and support the <br /> residents' concerns. <br /> Robert Blair, Fremont Road, thanked his neighbors for advising him of the proposed <br /> traffic light installation. He voiced his concern that the signals would have a significant <br /> impact on the rural character of the area. He believed there would be an increase in the <br /> noise level from traffic and encouraged the Council to get involved in the process. <br /> Joe Zieger, Old Trace Lane, expressed his concern that he had not received any notice by <br /> the City of Palo Alto regarding the proposed project. He spoke to his previous <br /> experiences with Palo Alto and Stanford and explained that it was his belief that they are <br /> always "testing" to see if there was opposition. He encouraged the Council to require the <br /> City of Palo Alto to abide by the proper and legal requirements pertaining to noticing and <br /> to get involved in the process to monitor what is being proposed for one of the key <br /> entrances to the Town. <br /> Mayor O'Malley requested that this issue be placed on the next City Council meeting <br /> agenda and directed staff to prepare a report clarifying the options available to Council. <br /> Council concurred. <br /> • 11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 11.1 Site Development Permit for a Secondary Dwelling Unit and Modification <br /> of Condition of Map Approval Limiting Floor Area; Lands of Breetwor; <br /> 12681 Miraloma Way, #226-04-ZP-SD <br /> Planning Director Carl Cahill introduced this item to Council. Council had before them a <br /> staff report dated May 5, 2005 and a site plan. Cahill provided an overview of the project <br /> and background on the original subdivision condition of map approval that had restricted <br /> the maximum floor area of the parcel. He noted that the Planning Commission had <br /> recommended approval of the request to modify the condition of the map approval to <br /> permit construction of the second unit/pool house. The applicant had agreed to all of the <br /> Conditions of Approval including additional landscape screening requested by a <br /> neighbor. <br /> The applicants were present to answer questions. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING. <br /> 11 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> May 5,2005 <br />