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• Undergrounding Project Status Report <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky reported that the next meeting of the Undergrounding <br /> Committee was scheduled for May 10, 2005. They are developing an outreach program <br /> to illustrate the project to residents to initiate interest in a similar project for other <br /> neighborhoods. <br /> Former City Engineer Dave Ross reported that the preliminary project plans were ready <br /> for distribution to the Committee. The project was on schedule. <br /> 5.2 Response to City Council Inquires on Salaries, Benefits and Post Retirement <br /> Health Insurance Costs (continued 4/7/2005) <br /> Mayor O'Malley explained that the initial presentation of this item was made at the April <br /> 7, 2005 City Council meeting and was being revisited to permit the full Council to hear <br /> the report. <br /> Administrative Services Director Sarah Joiner addressed Council. She explained that the <br /> report was prepared in response to some of the concerns that were raised during the joint <br /> study session of the Finance and Investment Committee and City Council on March 17, <br /> 2005. Concerns were raised about a potential fiscal crisis facing the Town due to the cost <br /> of employee benefits and the cost of health insurance paid on behalf of retired employees. <br /> Joiner had prepared the analyses of salary and benefit costs and operating expenditures <br /> before Council and noted that the data showed that benefit costs and retiree benefits were <br /> neither out of control or threatening the fiscal health of the Town. <br /> Joiner explained that the Town of Los Altos Hills was unique in comparison to other <br /> cities. It has a small staff, lack of safety employees, significantly more conservative <br /> retirement benefits and a low percentage of retirees who receive post retirement health <br /> benefits. Joiner noted that retention has been a significant problem for the Town and <br /> offered that it was important for the Town to have a compensation package that was <br /> competitive and consistent with industry standards to attract quality employees and retain <br /> them. <br /> Joiner reviewed the report exhibits with Council. Exhibit I detailed the salaries and <br /> benefits and reflected a range from a high of 36.94% of operating expenditures in <br /> 1997/1998 to the current 30.98% in 2004/2005. She noted that the Town currently had <br /> three retirees with their health premiums costing $4,403 per retiree. Exhibit II reflected <br /> the budgeted salaries and benefits for 2004/2005 which had increased by 4.62% and <br /> 7.26% respectively, over the prior year. Exhibit III showed that operating expenditures <br /> other than salaries and benefits for 2004/2005 had increased by 18.79% over the prior <br /> fiscal year. <br /> In summary, Joiner reported that the Town had participated in the California Public <br /> Employees Retirement System (Ca1PERS) since 1965 and in their health plan since 1975. <br /> During the thirty years with the health plan, ninety five (95) Town employees had been <br /> enrolled. Nineteen active employees were currently covered. Joiner explained that the <br /> • post-retirement health benefit was only available to employees who retire from the Town. <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> May 5,2005 <br />