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COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> • Mayor Pro Tem Kerr reported that he had been in discussions with the VTA regarding the <br /> El Monte/Moody Road corridor. The City of Los Altos has expressed support for the <br /> project and the use of the funds that had been targeted for their now cancelled Hetch <br /> Hetchy Pathway. Kerr expressed his desire for Town staff to move forward with a <br /> proposal and define the parameters of the project. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky reported that he had attended the Emergency <br /> Communications Committee regular meeting. This was his first meeting as Council <br /> Liaison to the body. The Committee had discussed the new emergency communications <br /> antenna to be built at Town Hall. Warshawsky requested clarification of the project from <br /> staff. Planning Director Cahill explained that the funding for the antenna had been <br /> approved by the City Council, however, the location and specifics of the antenna were <br /> still under consideration by the Planning Commission. The Commission had requested <br /> that the Committee meet with the neighbors to address their issues with the project. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Kerr expressed his concern that the antenna location could present a <br /> problem for the new solar panels if it creates a shadow on a solar panel. Cahill responded <br /> that he would advise the Committee of Kerr's concerns. <br /> Mayor O'Malley reported that he had attended a recent meeting had been called to <br /> address the use of the Town ring and one little league field for the possible temporary <br /> location of the Bullis Charter School. Meeting participants had included representatives <br /> • of the Charter School, Horseman's Association and Los Altos/Los Altos Hills Little <br /> League. O'Malley commented that the meeting had been amenable but that no resolution <br /> had been reached. The Little League expressed that they needed all four fields for <br /> scheduling their events and were adamantly opposed to the use of any of the fields; the <br /> Horseman's Association had claimed that the Open Space Initiative precluded any use for <br /> the ring other than recreation without a vote from the Town residents; and a participant <br /> claimed that the grant deed for the ring property from Palo Alto specified that if the <br /> property was used for any purpose other than recreation, the property would revert back <br /> to the City of Palo Alto. <br /> 8. STAFF REPORTS <br /> 8.1 City Manager <br /> City Manager Cassingham deferred to Acting City Engineer Dave Ross for a status report <br /> on the current discussion of a proposed traffic signal by the City of Palo Alto to be <br /> located at Arastradero and Fremont. Ross clarified for the Council, that a draft <br /> environmental document had been distributed for comments in December by Palo Alto. <br /> Palo Alto was proposing the traffic signals as mitigation for a 300,000 square foot <br /> development project being proposed by Stanford for research and office space. Ross <br /> added that he had been in touch with Palo Alto staff and that they were seeking the <br /> Town's input as part of the project's planning process. This would enable the City to <br /> • require Stanford to pay for the installation of the signals if traffic created by the Stanford <br /> proposed development warranted them. <br /> 6 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 6,2005 <br />