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• • <br /> CONSERVATION EASEMENT DESCRIPTION <br /> 11195 HOOPER LANE, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA. <br /> A Conservation Easement over a portion of that certain 1.86 acre parcel, as said parcel is shown <br /> on that Record of Survey filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State <br /> of California, in September 1956 in Book 74 of Maps, page 48 being more particularly described <br /> as follows: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Hooper Lane and the northerly line of said 1.86 <br /> acre parcel, as shown on said map; thence southerly along the east line of Hooper Lane the <br /> following courses: South 12°54' West 29.02 feet; thence South 25°02' West 47.90 feet to the <br /> True Point of Beginning of the description; thence continuing along said east line of Hooper <br /> Lane along a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 45.00 feet through a central angle of <br /> 19°11'17" an arc length of 15.07 feet; thence leaving said east line of Hooper Lane South <br /> 50°23'42" East 120.87 feet; thence North 66°57'14" East 90.84 feet; thence along a tangent <br /> curve to the right, having a radius of 38.00 feet, through a central angle of 77°30'38", an arc <br /> length of 51.41 feet; thence along a compound curve to the right, having a radius of 110.00 feet, <br /> through a central angle of 45°13'35", an arc length of 86.83 feet; thence along a compound <br /> curve to the right, having a radius of 748.39 feet, through a central angle of 8°52'51", an arc <br /> length of 116.00 feet to a point on the southwest line of said 1.86 acre parcel, said point being <br /> North 47°15' West 53.52 feet from the south most corner of said 1.86 acre parcel; thence along <br /> said southwest line South 47°15'East 42.53 feet; thence leaving said southwest line of said 1.86 <br /> acre parcel along a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 787.39 feet from a tangent <br /> which bears North 19°50'22" East through a central angle of 15°17'28", an arc length of 210.14 <br /> feet to the northeast line of said 1.86 acre parcel; thence along said northeast line North 37°23' <br /> West 137.10 feet; thence leaving said northeast line North 84°59'12" West 139.29 feet; thence <br /> South 61°57'29" West 70.97 feet to the True Point of Beginning. <br /> QppFESS/p <br /> 441 AC's E. Cq-19 ley <br /> mQ No.C23770 O m <br /> %44, •' <br /> Exhibit B-1 <br />