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RESOLUTION 84-18 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS THE ADOPTING AN EMERGENCY OPERATIONS <br /> PLAN (EOP) <br /> WHEREAS, the preservation of life, property and the environment are an inherent responsibility <br /> of local, state and federal government; and <br /> WHEREAS, the input of the Los Altos Hills Disaster Council, whose membership includes <br /> Town staff, first responders, public and private organizations and volunteers, formed the EOP <br /> planning concepts for meeting any condition constituting a local emergency or state of <br /> emergency, including, but not limited to, earthquakes, natural or manmade disasters specific to <br /> the Town, and <br /> WHEREAS, this EOP establishes the emergency organization, assigns tasks, specifies policies <br /> and general procedures, and provides for coordination of planning efforts of the various <br /> emergency staff, community stakeholders and service elements utilizing the Standardized <br /> Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System <br /> (NIMS), and <br /> WHEREAS, this Emergency Operations Plan is an extension of the California Emergency Plan <br /> and it will be reviewed and exercised periodically and revised as necessary to meet changing <br /> conditions, and <br /> WHEREAS, this EOP will become effective on adoption by the City Council, <br /> WHEREAS, while no plan can completely prevent the consequences of disaster, reasonable <br /> plans carried out by knowledgeable and well-trained personnel can and will facilitate the most <br /> effective and efficient allocation of our resources, both public and private, for the maximum <br /> benefit and protection of Town assets and the community; and <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills, <br /> does hereby accept the Emergency Operations Plan as the directive for establishing the Town <br /> emergency organization and urges all community stakeholders—individually and collectively— <br /> to do their part to support our Town's emergency readiness. <br /> The above and foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of October 2018 by the following vote. <br /> AYES Radford, Spreen, Corrigan, Waldeck, Wu <br /> NOES None <br /> ABSTAIN None <br /> ABSENT None <br /> Resolution 84-18 Page 1 <br />