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FACILITY USE POLICY <br />COUNCIL CHAMBERS AND TOWN MEETING SPACES <br />MISSION STATEMENT AND FACILITIES <br />The Council Chambers and Town Meeting Spaces facilities should be used primarily for activities <br />that benefit the Town's residents and guests. The Council Chambers are the official meeting place <br />of the Los Altos Hills City Council and its Commissions, Committees and sub -Committees. These <br />bodies shall have primary scheduling priority. <br />Non-profit organizations or non-commercial groups consisting primarily of Town residents or <br />benefiting the Town and/or the community by educational and/or cultural means will also be <br />permitted to use the facility, based on availability. <br />RESERVATIONS <br />I Reservation requests by resident non-profit groups or resident non-commercial groups for <br />all meetings shall be submitted online at the following link: <br />http://www.losaltoshills. <br />2. Reservation requests will be classified according to priority type, and then handled on a first- <br />come, first served basis based on the priority type. <br />3. Facility user must be a Los Altos Hills resident and 18 years of age or older. <br />4. Type 111, requests cannot be submitted earlier than ninety (90) days prior to the reservation <br />date. Reservation forms must be submitted online no later than seven (7) calendar days prior <br />to the reservation date. <br />5. Failure to pay fees or submit the required paperwork at least 5 business days prior to'the <br />requested usage date will result in loss of reservation. <br />6. In the unlikely event the City Council or other Committees/Commissions needs to meet <br />unexpectedly, staff reserves the right to cancel or reschedule your reservation. If this occurs <br />the applicant will receive. a full refund. <br />7. Cancellations by the applicant must be made in writing and sent to the following email <br />address: <br />Approved by the City Council on Feburary 21, 2019 <br />Resolution 08-19 Page 2 <br />