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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION <br />LANDS OF- HAUSER —14700 MANUELLA ROAD <br />FILE #SP 18 -0001 <br />1. That the proposed landmark has significant historical, architectural, cultural or aesthetics <br />.interest or value. <br />The property owner has submitted documentation supporting the historic, architectural and <br />cultural and aesthetic value of the property as an historic resource, and the History <br />Committee recommended in favor of designating, the greenhouse, cottage and grounds ds as an <br />historical landmark. The architectural style is Spanish Colonial Revival, and the property is <br />part of the former Hills Brothers.Coffee Estate which was established by R.W. Hills, one of <br />the founders of Hills Brothers Coffee. The structures on the property were reinforced with <br />steel framing constructed by Soule's Steel Company which was also used for many- other <br />notable structures in the Bay Area including UC Berkeley -Stadium and footings for the <br />Golden Gate Bridge. The greenhouse was used to grow coffee botanicals and avocados. The <br />property owner has restored existing wood, tile, doors. steel gears and function to match the <br />original design by R.W. Hills. <br />2. That the proposed landmark may be designated without imposing undue hardship on the <br />property owner. <br />The property owner voluntarily requested that the greenhouse, cottage and grounds be <br />designated as a landmark to preserve the history and architectural charm of the property and <br />to protect the property in perpetuity. The designation will not affect the use of the property <br />as a residencenot would it preclude .the property owner from -making future improvements <br />to the structures or ground in the future. Pursuant to LAHMC Section 11-1.09, a landmark <br />alteration permit would be required to be approved by the. City Council for any alteration, <br />construction, relocation.,, exterior painting or demolition that would result. in a material <br />change in the exterior appearance of the landmark. <br />3. That approval or modified approval of the application is consistent with the purposes and <br />criteria of this chapter. <br />The approval of the request would designate the greenhouse, cottage and grounds as having <br />special architectural, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance as a landmark pursuant to <br />Section 11-1.05 of the Municipal Code. <br />Ordinance No. 579 Page 3 <br />