<br />Chapter 5
<br />7-5.01. Purpose.
<br />The purpose and intent of this chapter is to provide a set of regulations and standards for the
<br />deployment, operation and maintenance of wireless telecommunications facilities in the Town of
<br />Los Altos Hills.
<br />7-5.02 Definitions.
<br />For the purposes of this chapter, the following defined terms shall have the meaning set forth in
<br />this section unless the context. clearly indicates or requires, a different meaning.
<br />Accessory equipment means any equipment associated with the installation of a wireless
<br />telecommunications facility, including, but not limited to, cabling, generators, air conditioning
<br />units, electrical panels, equipment shelters, equipment cabinets, equipment buildings, pedestals,
<br />meters, vaults, splice boxes, and surface location markers.
<br />Antenna means that part of a wireless telecommunications facility designed to radiate or receive
<br />radio frequency signals or electromagnetic waves for the provision of services, including, but not
<br />limited to, cellular,. paging, personal communications services (PCS) and microwave
<br />communications. Such devices include, but are not limited to, directional antennas,' such as panel
<br />antenna, microwave dishes, and satellite dishes; omnidirectional antennas; wireless access points
<br />(Wi-Fi); and strand -mounted wireless access points. This definition does not apply to broadcast
<br />antennas, antennas designed for amateur radio use, or satellite dishes designed for residential or
<br />household purposes.
<br />Applicant means any person making a written application for an encroachment permit to deploy
<br />.
<br />Wireless Telecommunications Facilities pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.
<br />Base station means the same as defined by the FCC in 47 C.F.R. Section 1.40001(b)(1), as may
<br />be amended, which defines that term- as a structure or equipment at a fixed location that enables
<br />FCC -licensed , or authorized wireless communications between user equipment and a
<br />communications. network. The term does not encompass a 'tower as defined in 47 C.F.R. Section
<br />1.40001(b)(9) or any equipment associated with a tower. The term includes, but is' not limited to.,
<br />equipment associated With wireless communications services such as private, broadcast, and public
<br />safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services such as
<br />microwave backhaul. The term includes, but is not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial
<br />or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of
<br />technological configuration (including distributed antenna systems and small-cell networks). The
<br />term includes any structure other than a tower that, at the time the relevant application is filed with
<br />the State or local government under this section, supports or houses equipment described in 47
<br />C.F.R. Section 1.40001 (b)(1)(i) and (ii) that has been reviewed and approved under the applicable
<br />zoning or siting process, or under another State or local regulatory review process, even if the
<br />Ordinance 581 Page 6
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