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This Document Is Recorded <br />For the Benefit of the <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />And is Exempt from Fee <br />Per Government Code <br />Sections 6103 and 27383 <br />When Recorded, Mail to: <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 <br />Attention: City Clerk <br />AGREEMENT FOR OPEN SPACE EASEMENT <br />This Agreement for Open Space Easement ("Agreement") is made and <br />entered into this 19 4- day of March, 2019, by and between Ashwath Nagaraj and Vileena <br />Nagaraj, ("Owner") and the TO" OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, a municipal corporation, <br />(` `Town") . <br />-RF.C.TTAT.,q <br />A. Owner owns .that certain real property in the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />commonly known as 25769 Elena Road, Los Altos Hills, California (APN 175-49-010). <br />B. Town has adopted a General Plan and, pursuant thereto, may accept grants <br />of open space easements on privately owned lands lying within the Town. <br />C. Town finds this open space easement to be consistent with the Town's <br />General Plan and in the best interests of the Town. <br />D. Owner and Town desire to limit the use of a portion of the property more <br />particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto, by dedication of an open space <br />easement in order to reduce potential adverse impacts on such land including grading, <br />vegetation removal, and erosion, recognizing that such land is essentially unimproved and <br />if retained in its natural state has substantial scenic value to the public and that the <br />preservation of such land as open space constitutes an important physical, social, aesthetic <br />and economic asset to the Town and to Owner. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, in consideration of the mutual covenants and <br />conditions set forth herein and the substantial public benefits to be derived therefrom, do <br />hereby agree as follows: <br />Resolution I I -19 Page 3 <br />N <br />