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6/21/2019 3:40:42 PM
Formation of an Underground Utility District in the Area Around the El Monte Fire Station
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SECTION 2. That the utility companies, cable television services and other affected <br />services shall commence work on installation of underground facility installation in <br />Underground Utility District in the area around the El Monte Fire Station and that as each <br />phase of the project is complete and ready for conversion from overhead to underground utility <br />facilities, all fronting property owners shall be notified, of the schedule for conversion of <br />utility service lines; and <br />SECTION 3. The electric utility shall use the underground conversion allocation <br />computed pursuant to decisions of the California Public Utilities Commission for the purpose <br />of providing to each premises requiring it in an Underground Utility District in the area around <br />the El Monte Fire Station a maximum of one hundred feet of individual electric service <br />trenching and conductor (as well as backfill, paving and conduit, if required) and each other <br />serving utility shall provide service trenching and conductor in accordance with its rules and <br />tariffs on file with the California Public Utilities Commission or as. required by its Franchise <br />Agreement with the Town of Los Altos Hills, and <br />SECTION 4. The electric utility shall use said underground conversion allowance <br />allocation, up to a maximum amount of $1500 per service entrance excluding permit fees, for <br />the conversion of electric service panels to accept underground service in the Underground <br />Utility District in the area around the El Monte Fire Station, and each property owner shall be <br />financially responsible for any and all costs not covered by the electric utility for the <br />installation and maintenance of the conduit and termination box located on, under or within <br />any structure on the premises served pursuant to Section 7-3.09 of the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code; and <br />SECTION 5. That upon notification as specified in Section 2, all property owners in <br />an Underground Utility District in the area around the E1 Monte Fire Station shall have <br />underground electrical entrance facilities installed and inspected pursuant to the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills Electrical Code and Chapter 3 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICTS under <br />Title 7 Public Works in the Town of Los Altos Hills Municipal Code; and <br />SECTION 6. That upon completion of the underground distribution system, the <br />electrical utility is authorized to discontinue overhead electric service in the Underground <br />Utility District; and <br />SECTION 7. That once all services have been converted from overhead to <br />underground, the utility companies, cable television services and other affected services shall <br />remove all poles (except as specified above) and associated overhead facilities in an <br />Underground Utility District in the area around the El Monte Fire Station, by approximately <br />December 31, 2027. <br />The above and foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the Town <br />of Los Altos Hills at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of June 2019 by the following <br />vote: <br />Resolution 40-19 Page 3 <br />
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