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Planning Commission Agenda <br />April 4, 2013 - Regular Meeting <br />Page 2 <br />3.2 LANDS OF BOCK, 12403 Hilltop Drive; File #276-12-ZP-SD-GD; A <br />request for a Site Development Permit for a new 5,592 square foot two <br />story residence with an attached four (4) car garage, 3,425 square foot <br />basement with an attached secondary dwelling unit, and a 1,200 square <br />foot swimming pool. (Maximum building height: 27') CEQA Review: <br />Categorical Exemption per Section 15303 (a)&(e) (staff -Brian Froelich). <br />CONTINUED FROM THE MARCH 12, 2013 FAST-TRACK <br />HEARING. <br />3.3 LANDS OF PURISSIMA HILLS WATER DISTRICT (APPLICANT: T - <br />MOBILE); 12863 La Cresta Drive, File #284 -12 -CUP; a request for a <br />Conditional Use Permit renewal for an existing/previously approved <br />wireless communications facility and modifications to the ground <br />equipment. CEQA review: exempt per 15301 (a) (Staff -Nicole Horvitz). <br />3.4 AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE WITH REGARD TO <br />THE DEFINITION OF "FAMILY". (Section 10-1.202 of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code) In accordance with Fair Housing Law, amendment <br />of the definition of "family" is necessary so that there is no distinguishing <br />between related and unrelated individuals and does not impose a <br />numerical limit on the number of persons in a family. The proposed <br />ordinance amendment has been deemed to. be exempt from California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA <br />Guidelines (staff- Brian Froelich). <br />3.5 AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE <br />TRANSITIONAL AND SUPPORTIVE HOUSING IN THE R -A <br />(RESIDENTIAL — AGRICULTURAL) ZONING DISTRICT AS AN <br />ACCESSORY USE. (Section 10-1.702 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code) In accordance with Senate Bill 2, jurisdictions are required to <br />regulate transitional and supportive housing as a type of residential use <br />subject only to those restrictions that apply to that type of residential use <br />in the same zone. Transitional and supportive housing of up to six (6) <br />persons per parcel would be a permitted accessory use in the R -A zone. <br />The proposed ordinance amendment has been deemed to be exempt from <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 15301 and <br />15303(a) of the CEQA Guidelines (staff- Brian Froelich). <br />4. OLD BUSINESS —none <br />5. NEW BUSINESS <br />5.1 Letter of Support for submitting a grant application to SCVWD for the Purissima <br />Creek Restoration Project at O'Keefe Preserve. <br />5.2 CalTrans I-280/Page Mill Road Signalization Project <br />