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Planning Commission Agenda <br />July 25, 2013 - Special Meeting <br />Page 3 <br />9.3 LANDS OF PETER NIEH; 25765 BASSETT LANE; File #89-13-ZP-SD-GD; A <br />request for a Site Development Permit for a new 1,570 square foot two story <br />addition (Maximum height 26'). CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per <br />Section 15303 (a) (Staff -Nicole Horvitz). <br />9.4 LANDS OF MOHAN & THANGADURAI; 2265 Old Page Mill Road: File <br />#212-12-ZP-SD; A request for a Site Development Permit for a new 6,733 square <br />foot two story residence (Maximum height 27'). The applicant is also requesting <br />approval of the removal of one (1) heritage oak tree. CEQA review: Categorical <br />Exemption per Section 15303 (a) (Staff -Nicole Horvitz). <br />9.5 LANDS OF MOUSSAVIAN AND KARROUBI; 25611 Burke Lane; File # 130- <br />13-ZP-SD-GD; A request for a Site Development Permit to construct a new 4,477 <br />square foot two story residence with a 1,889 square foot two story residence with <br />a 1,886 square foot basement, detached two (2) car garage, and 576 square foot <br />swimming pool. (Maximum building height: 27') CEQA review: Categorical <br />Exemption per Section 15303 (a) & (e) (Staff -Brian Froelich). <br />9.6 LANDS OF MARC AND CHERYL BADER; 2240 OLD PAGE MILL ROAD; <br />File #92-13-ZP-SD; A request for a Site Development Permit for a new 538 <br />square foot single story addition (Maximum height 15') and major remodel. <br />CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15303 (a) (Staff -Nicole <br />Horvitz). <br />9.7 LANDS OF NIEH, 25765 BASSETT LANE AND 25785 BASSETT LANE <br />(158 -13 -LLA); A request for a Lot Line Adjustment. The proposal adjusts the <br />side property line between the subject properties with no resulting change to lot <br />size, MDA, or MFA. CEQA review: exempt per 15305 (a). (Staff -Brian Froelich). <br />10. REPORTS FROM SITE DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS — JULY 9, JULY 23, 2013 <br />10.1 LANDS OF MALIUANAG; 26760 ST. FRANCIS DRIVE; File #75-13-ZP-SD; <br />A request for a Site Development Permit of a landscape screening plan for a 932 <br />square foot addition approved on November 8, 2011. CEQA review: Categorical <br />Exemption per Section 15304 (b) (Staff -Brian Froelich). <br />10.2 LANDS OF NG; 26480 WESTON DRIVE; File #152-13-ZP-SD; A request for a <br />Site Development Permit of a landscape screening plan for a 6,197 square foot <br />new residence and 860 square foot swimming pool approved on January 10, 2012. <br />CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15304 (b) (Staff -Brian <br />Froelich). <br />11. ADJOURNMENT <br />