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April 3, 2014
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Agendas
April 3, 2014
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FILE COPY <br />PLANNING COMMISSION PACKET <br />APRIL 3, 2014 <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS F.26 <br />PLANNING COMN/HSSION AGENDA <br />REGULAR MEETING, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2014 AT 7:00 p.m. <br />Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills <br />ASSISTANCE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES <br />In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, <br />please contact the City Clerk at (650) 941-7222. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to <br />make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. <br />Notice to Public: Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any <br />item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office located at 26379 Fremont <br />Road, Los Altos Hills, California during normal business hours. <br />ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />2. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Persons wishing to address the Commission on any subject not, on the agenda are invited to do so now. <br />Please note, however, that the Commission is not able to undertake extended discussion or take action <br />tonight on non-agendized items. Such items will be referred to staff or placed on the agenda for a future <br />meeting. <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />Persons wishing to address the Commission should obtain a copy of the request form located at the table at <br />the back of the Council Chambers and leave the completed form at the podium; this ensures that names are <br />recorded accurately in the minutes. Please limit remarks to three minutes. This will assure time for all <br />persons wishing to speak. Also, in the interests of time, please avoid redundancy with remarks made by <br />previous speakers. If a large group wishes to express its views, the group should try to have one <br />spokesperson. <br />If you challenge the proposed action(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or <br />someone else raised at the public hearing described below, or in written correspondence delivered to the <br />Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. <br />Any interested party may appeal a determination of the Planning Commission to the City Council by filing <br />a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within twenty-two (22) days of the decision. A nonrefundable <br />filing fee and a deposit for services shall accompany each notice of appeal, except that any member of the <br />Council may file such an appeal without payment of a fee. <br />➢ Planning Commission Ex Parte Contacts Policv Disclosure <br />3.1 LANDS OF BAKER AND MATSUOKA, 27030 Elena Road; File #244- <br />13-ZP-SD-GD; A request for a Site Development Permit for a new 5, 280 <br />square foot tennis court, a 603 square foot swimming pool, and a grading <br />policy exception for the proposed tennis court of up to 8'6" of cut where <br />6' is allowed. CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15304 <br />(a) (staff -Nicole Horvitz). <br />
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