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Planning Commission Agenda <br />June 2, 2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 3 <br />8.2 LANDS OF SIVADASAN AND VINOD; 12835 Deer Creek Lane; File #41-16- <br />ZP-SD-GD; A request for a Site Development Permit for a new 5,476 square foot <br />single story residence with a 2,345 square foot basement (Maximum height 25'6") <br />and swimming pool. CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15303 (a) <br />& (e) (Staff- S. Avila). <br />8.3 LANDS OF IAN MCNISH TRUSTEE; 24183 Dawnridge Drive; File #439-15- <br />ZP-SD-GD; A request for a Site Development Permit for a new 4,880 square foot <br />two story residence with a 1,526 square foot basement (Maximum height 26'). <br />CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15303 (a) (Staff- G. <br />Fernandez). <br />8.4 LANDS OF GOOD MOODYS LLC; 25616'Moody Road; File #14-16-ZP-SD- <br />GD; A request for a Site Development Permit for a new 5,021 square foot <br />residence (Maximum height 27'). The project will include the dedication of an <br />open space easement over the creek at the rear of the property. CEQA review: <br />Categorical Exemption per Section 15303(a) (Staff- S. Padovan). <br />9. REPORTS FROM SITE DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS - none <br />10. ADJOURNMENT <br />