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Last modified
8/27/2019 10:21:11 AM
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8/27/2019 10:21:06 AM
53 -19
Approving a Vacation of a Portion of an Open Space Easement Located at 11641 Buena Vista Drive
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RESOLUTION 53-19 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS APPROVING A VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN OPEN SPACE EASEMENT <br />LOCATED AT 11641 BUENA VISTA DRIVE <br />WHEREAS, an open space easement, legal description and plat accompany legal description was <br />dedicated by the owner of 11641 Buena Vista Drive and accepted by the Town of Los Altos Hills and <br />recorded in the Office of the Santa Clara County Recorder on February 23, 2012; and <br />WHEREAS, Eric and Cheryl B. Evans ("Owner") own that certain real property commonly known <br />as 11641 Buena Vista Drive (APN 182-29-060), Los Altos Hills, California; and <br />WHEREAS, the Owner. seeks to vacate a portion of the existing open space easement in order to <br />submit a lot line adjustment with the intent to enlarge a smaller vacant parcel (182-29-048) which is <br />adjacent to 11641 Buena Vista Drive in order create a larger building envelope for a future residence <br />further from the street; and <br />WHEREAS, the Owner, in exchange for vacating a portion of the existing open space easement is <br />dedicating a new open space easement along the westerly property line of 11641 Buena Vista Drive <br />and dedicating an open space easement over the easterly half of APN 182-29-048 and the Town <br />recognize that the land subject to the Agreement for Open Space Easement is essentially unimproved <br />with, the exception of a paved roadway and if retained in its current state has substantial scenic value <br />to the public and that the preservation of such land as open space constitutes an important physical, <br />social, aesthetic and economic asset to the Town and the Owner; <br />WHEREAS, the Town finds the vacation of a portion of the existing open space easement as <br />described in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, attached, is consistent with the Town's General Plan and in the <br />best interests of the Town; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills that: <br />The proposed vacation of a portion of the existing open space easement does not conflict <br />with the General Plan because additional easements are being recorded over the subject <br />property and an adjacent parcel that provide similar or greater benefits to the residents <br />including encompassing a recognized pathway along the westerly property line and <br />creating a large contiguous open space over both properties. <br />2. The City Clerk is hereby directed and authorized to record a certified copy of this <br />Resolution, including the Exhibits at the Santa Clara County, Office of the Recorder. <br />3. The portion of the open space easement to be vacated on 11641 Buena Vista Drive will <br />no longer constitute an open space easement from and after the date of recordation of the <br />documents identify in this Resolution. <br />Resolution 53-19 Page 1 <br />
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