<br />Legal Description of the Open Space Easement
<br />11641 Buena Vista Drive -Parcel A (502 MAPS 43)
<br />Lands of Evans
<br />Los Altos Hills, California
<br />ram
<br />E0 a213)I
<br />An easement over certain real property in the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa
<br />Clara, State of California, described as follows:
<br />COMMENCING at the most Northwesterly corner of Parcel A, also being a point in the old
<br />centerline of Central Drive, as shown on that certain Parcel Map which was filed for record
<br />on July 27, 1982, in Book 502 of Maps, at Page 43 in Santa Clara County Record;
<br />Thence, along the westerly boundary of said Parcel A, South 12020'47" East, 73.19 feet
<br />Thence continuing along the said westerly boundary the following four courses:
<br />1. South 12020'47" East, 361.62 feet;
<br />2. South 77046'30" West, 4.69 feet;
<br />3. South 13'07'15" East, 161.85 feet;
<br />4. South 27021'35" East, 180.83 feet, to the northerly line of Buena Vista Drive as shown
<br />on said Parcel Map (502 MAPS 43);
<br />Thence North 81 00712" East, along said northerly line of Buena Vista Drive, 29.31 feet;
<br />Thence North 27021'35" West, 33.56 feet, parallel with, and 27.50 feet distant, measured
<br />at a right angle,..from said westerly boundary of Parcel A(502 MAPS 43);
<br />Thence North 62°38'25" East, 10.00 feet;
<br />Thence North 27021'35" West, 153.06 feet, parallel with, and 37.50 feet distant, measured
<br />at a right angle, from said westerly boundary of Parcel A. (502 MAPS 43)
<br />Thence North 13007'15" West, 155.43 feet, parallel with, and 37.50 feet distant, measured
<br />at a right angle, from said westerly boundary of Parcel A (502 MAPS 43)
<br />Thence North 77°39"13" East, 4.69 feet ;
<br />Thence North 12020'47" West, 135.32 feet, parallel with, an&37.50 feet distant, measured
<br />at a right angle, from said westerly boundary of Parc'A (502 MAPS 43)
<br />Thence South 77038'34" West, 4.50 feet;
<br />Thence North 12020'47" West. 236.37 feet, parallel with, and 33.00 feet distant, measured
<br />at a right angle, from said westerly boundary of Parcel A (502M43)
<br />Thence South 60°40'50" West, 34.50 feet, to the. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.
<br />Containing 25,313 square feet, more or less, as shown on the plat, Exhibit 'B' attached
<br />hereto and made a part hereof.
<br />End of Description.
<br />Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets
<br />Resolution 54-19 Page 9
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