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WHEREAS, to account for the lower expected impacts on pathways associated with accessory <br />dwelling units, additions or cumulative additions, and equestrian barns that are 900 square feet or <br />larger, the Town has elected to impose a lower fee on the foregoing uses equivalent to an EDU <br />value of 0.35; and <br />WHEREAS, Sections 66000 et seq. of the California Government Code ("Mitigation Fee Act") <br />allows agencies to mitigate the impacts caused by new development by providing for the payment <br />of development impact fees necessary for agencies to acquire property and construct new facilities <br />to serve new residents and to maintain desirable levels of service for new and existing residents; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, at its May 16, 2019 meeting, the City Council determined that the continued <br />assessment of a Pathway Fee as a development impact fee is most appropriate for current <br />conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, in a separate action of the City Council, the General Plan Pathways Element is being <br />amended to reflect current facts, goals, policies and laws, including clarification that the Pathway <br />Fee is assessed as a development impact fees for purposes of the Mitigation Fee Act (AB1600) <br />(Gov. Code §66000 et seq.); and <br />WHEREAS, in a separate action of the City Council, the Municipal Code is being amended to be <br />consistent with the updated Pathways Element, Pathway Fee as a development impact fee, and the <br />Master Path Plan implementation process; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 66019 of the Mitigation Fee Act, at least fourteen (14) <br />days prior to the public hearing at which the Pathway Fee was considered, notice of the time and <br />place of the hearing was mailed to eligible interested parties who filed written requests with the <br />Town for mailed notice of meetings on new or increased fees or service charges; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with Government Code Section 66019, the Fee Study justifying <br />calculation and imposition of the Pathway Fee was available for public inspection, review, and <br />comment for ten (10) days prior to the public hearing at which the City Council considered the <br />Pathway Fee; and <br />WHEREAS, ten (10) days advance notice of the public hearing at which the Pathway Fee was <br />considered was given by publication in accordance with Government Code Section 6062a; and <br />WHEREAS, an annual development impact fee report for the Pathway Fee will be provided to <br />the City Council as required by Government Code Section 66066(a); and <br />WHEREAS, review of the Pathway Fee, as well as the preparation of all required reports, will <br />occur every five (5) years as required by Government Code Section 66001(d)(1); and <br />WHEREAS, the action taken by the separate General Plan and Municipal Code amendments and <br />this Resolution has no potential for physical effects on the environment because it involves an <br />adoption of certain fees and/or charges imposed by the Town, does not commit the Town to any <br />Resolution 62-19 Page 2 <br />