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ORDINANCE 584 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AMENDING <br />SECTION 3-3.303, SECTION 9-1.1112, AND ARTICLE 6 OF CHAPTER 2, <br />TITLE 10 OF THE LOS ALTOS HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE <br />CONCERNING THE PATHWAY FEE AND PATHWAY FUND <br />WHEREAS, Article 3 "Pathway Fund" of Chapter 3 "Funds," Title 3 "Finance" of the Los Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code establishes a special fund known as the "Pathway Fund"; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town desires to amend Section 3-3.303 "Expenditures" of the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code to clarify that the Pathway Fund be used exclusively for the construction of the <br />Town's pathway system; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town desires to amend Section 9-1.1112 "Pathways" of the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code to clarify that subdividers are required to dedicate pathways easements, pay <br />pathway fees, and/or construct paths when required as a condition ,of approval of tentative <br />subdivision or parcel maps; and <br />WHEREAS, Article 6 "Pathway Dedication, Maintenance and Improvement" of Chapter 2 "Site <br />Development," Title 10 "Zoning and Site Development" of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code <br />implements the Master Pathway Plan of the General Plan of the Town; and <br />WHEREAS, the.Town desires to amend Section 10-2.606 "Dedication of pathway easements" <br />and repeal Section 10-2.607 "Construction of pathways" to clarify that payment of pathways fees <br />and/or dedication of a pathway easement is required whenever a site development permit is <br />requested for a main residence; an accessory dwelling unit; an addition to a structure of at least <br />nine hundred (900) square feet of "habitable" floor area (including cumulative additions made over <br />a period of ten (10) year(s)); or a barn or stable for equestrian use of at least nine hundred (900) <br />square feet in floor area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town desires to amend Section 10-2.608 "Pathway fee" to clarify that the <br />pathway fee is assessed as a development impact fee for purposes of the Mitigation Fee Act (AB <br />1600) (Gov. Code §66000 et seq.). <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does hereby ORDAIN as <br />follows: <br />SECTION I. AMENDMENT OF CODE. <br />The City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills hereby amends the following sections of the Los <br />Altos Hills Municipal Code to read as follows. Sections and subsections that are not amended by <br />this ordinance are not included below and shall remain in full force and effect. <br />Section 3-3.303, is hereby amended as follows: <br />Ordinance 584 Page 1 <br />