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3-3.303 Expenditures. <br />All funds received and held in the Pathway Fund shall be used exclusively construction of the <br />Town's pathway system. <br />2. Section 9-1.1112, is hereby amended as follows: <br />9-1.1112 Pathways. <br />Every subdivider shall dedicate pathway easements, pay pathway fees, and/or construct paths to <br />Town standards when such dedications, payments, and/or construction requirements are a <br />condition of approval of the tentative subdivision or parcel map, consistent with the Pathway <br />Element of the General Plan and the Master Pathway Plan. Any lot in the subdivision that does not <br />contain a path shall be assessed a pathway fee, the amount of which shall be fixed by Council <br />resolution. Funds collected shall be deposited in the Town's Pathway Fund. <br />3. Section 10-2.606, is hereby amended as follows: <br />10-2.606 Payment of pathway fees and/or dedication of pathway easements. <br />Whenever a site development permit is requested for a main residence, an accessory dwelling <br />unit, an addition to a structure of at least nine hundred (900) square feet of "habitable" floor area <br />(including cumulative additions of nine hundred (900) or more square feet of habitable floor area <br />made over a period of ten (10) year(s)), or a barn or stable for equestrian use of at least nine <br />hundred (900) square feet in floor area, on a property which is designated on the Master Path <br />Plan for an off-road pathway or for a roadside pathway, but where all or a portion of such <br />roadside path cannot feasibly be located within the existing public or private right-of-way; the <br />Site Development Authority may require the payment of pathway fees and/or dedication of an <br />easement for public use as part of the Town's pathway system according to the guidelines <br />contained in the Pathway Element of the General Plan. Pathway easements shall be required <br />within emergency road easements. In addition, the following guidelines apply: <br />(a) An easement should generally be located along the boundary of a property; <br />(b) The easement shall be located so as to connect to existing or future pathway segments <br />at the boundaries of a property; and <br />(c) The easement shall not be located on terrain that cannot be safely or conveniently <br />traversed by pedestrians or equestrians. <br />5. Section 10-2.607, regarding construction of pathways is hereby repealed from the <br />Municipal Code and reserved as follows: <br />10-2.607 Reserved. <br />6. Section 10-2.608, is hereby amended as follows: <br />10-2.608 Pathway fee. <br />A site development permit for a lot on which no path is needed and on which is to be constructed <br />a main residence, an accessory dwelling unit, an addition to a structure of at least nine hundred <br />Ordinance 584 Page 2 <br />