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Last modified
11/25/2019 10:41:44 AM
Creation date
11/25/2019 10:41:00 AM
Approving a Conditional Use Permit Modification and Site Development Permit for an Additional and Remodel to Town Hall Located at 26379 Fremont Road
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F,XHTRTT A <br />FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT <br />TOWN HALL FACILITY -26379 FREMONT ROAD <br />CUP18-0003 AND SD18-0050 <br />The proposed use or facility is properly located in relation to the community as a whole, <br />with surrounding land uses, and with transportation and service facilities in the vicinity. <br />Town Hall has occupied the subject property for almost 60 years, is located along a main <br />collector roadway, and it predates the existence of all neighboring residences. Previous <br />surveys of other Town owned properties found that the existing site was the most suitable <br />for administrative and legislative purposes. Given the extremely high land costs and built - <br />out condition of the Town, it is not feasible to consider purchasing a new location for the <br />Town Hall and an addition to the existing facility is the most feasible and cost-effective <br />method to accommodate future administrative and staffing needs. <br />2. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed <br />use and all yards, open, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and such <br />other features as may be required by this chapter or, will be needed to assure that the <br />proposed use will be reasonably compatible with land uses normally permitted in the <br />surrounding area. <br />The site is 2.72. acres in size, and the existing Town Hall facilities have been operating on <br />the property since 2005. The proposed project to add a net 1,512 square feet of floor area <br />for new staff offices, meeting rooms and other employee facilities can be accommodated <br />on the property within existing setbacks and the existing parking facilities are adequate to <br />accommodate any future increase in employees. The proposed addition, uses, parking and <br />driveway access remain compatible with the residential uses in the surrounding area and <br />measures are proposed to minimize visual, lighting and noise impacts of the institutional <br />use from neighbors. <br />The site for the proposed use will be served by streets and highways of adequate width and <br />pavement to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. <br />Fremont Road is designated as a collector roadway and can accommodate any future traffic <br />and delivery requirements anticipated by the proposed addition to Town Hall. The existing <br />Fremont Road/Concepcion intersection and driveway access currently operates at a level <br />of service "A" (LOS) and is adequate to accommodate traffic to and from Town Hall, <br />4. The proposed use will not adversely affect the abutting property or the permitted use <br />thereof. <br />The proposed addition includes comprehensive conditions of approval to assure that <br />abutting property is not adversely impacted. These include land use and operational <br />limitations, minimal lighting to minimize visibility to neighbors; noise attenuation <br />measures, and additional landscape screening. <br />Resolution 74-19 Page 3 <br />
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