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TITLE 10. (Zoning and Site Development) CHAPTER 1. (Zoning). Article 5. (Area, <br /> Coverage, Height, and Setback Limitations) <br /> Sec. 10-1.502 Development Area <br /> Except as provided in (c) and (d) below, the amount of development area in <br /> square feet allowable on a parcel or lot shall not exceed the amounts determined by <br /> application of the formula in (a) below, where An is net area in acres, S is the average <br /> slope of the parcel or lot in percent, as defined in Section 10-1.207, LUF is the Lot Unit <br /> Factor as defined by Section 10-1.233 and MDA is the Maximum Development Area <br /> allowable. <br /> (a) Maximum development area formula. For all parcels or lots, the allowable <br /> development area in square feet shall relate to the average slope of the parcel or lot and <br /> the Lot Unit Factor for the parcel or lot as specified in the formula given in (1), (2) and <br /> (3) below: <br /> (1) For parcels or lots where S is equal to or less than ten (10%) percent: MDA = <br /> LUF x 15,000 square feet <br /> (2) For parcels or lots where S is more than ten (10%) percent and less than thirty <br /> (30%) percent: MDA =LUF x [15,000 - 375 (S-10)] square feet <br /> (3) For parcels or lots where S is equal to or greater than thirty (30%) percent: <br /> MDA =LUF x 7,500 square feet. <br /> (b) Development area. Development area shall be measured in a horizontal plane <br /> and shall include the following: <br /> (1) Total Floor Area, as defined in Section 10-1.223 of this article: <br /> (2) The total area of land covered by structures not counted in paragraph (1) <br /> above, such as parking areas, patios, decks, walkways, swimming pools and tennis courts, <br /> together with other surfaces comprised of artificially emplaced building materials such as <br /> paving, roofing, masonry, stone or wood. Walkways constructed or unconsolidated <br /> building materials such as loose gravel, tanbark and other wood chips, and roof <br /> overhangs unsupported form the ground, are not counted as development area. <br /> (3) The first one hundred (100') feet of driveway, as measured along the center <br /> line, closest to the primary dwelling; and <br /> (4) That portion of a driveway exceeding twelve (12') feet in width which is <br /> located beyond the area described in (3) above. <br /> Where there is a common driveway in a driveway easement or a panhandle and <br /> the driveway, or a portion of the driveway, serves more than one (1) residence, then using <br /> 6of9 <br />