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7 Attachment 1 <br /> TITLE 10. ZONING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT <br /> CHAPTER 2.SITE DEVELOPMENT <br /> ARTICLE 8. LANDSCAPING <br /> Sec. 10-2.801.Purpose. <br /> The purposes of this article are to create the maximum compatibility of development with <br /> the natural environment; to preserve the rural qualities of the Town, to insure that structures, as <br /> viewed from off-site, blend harmoniously with the natural landscape and are unobtrusive; to <br /> maintain soil stability, to abate noises; to protect wildlife habitats; to retain aesthetic quality; and <br /> to protect properties against fire and other natural forces. <br /> (§ 15, Ord. 299,eff. December 11, 1985) <br /> Sec. 10-2.802.Landscaping policies <br /> (a) Erosion. Landscaping shall be required to control erosion, retard soil creep, and <br /> reduce the potential for landslides. <br /> (b) Noise. Landscaping and berms may be required to shield Town residents from <br /> unnatural noises, such as those from freeways, arterial streets, and nonresidential land uses. <br /> (c) Visual effects. Landscaping shall be required to mitigate the visual effects of <br /> development from off the site. <br /> (d) Preferred plants. Landscaping should utilize fire retardant species. Native or <br /> naturalized plants or other plant species that blend naturally with the landscape should generally <br /> be favored. <br /> (e) Maintenance. Landscaping shall be maintained in healthy condition by property <br /> owners and shall not intrude into easements, paths, or the lines-of-site required at intersections <br /> and along roads. <br /> (f) Tree preservation. Every feasible attempt should be made to preserve existing trees <br /> except those trees identified in the Los Altos Hills Landscape Guidelines invasive plant list. <br /> (g) All existing Blue Gum Eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus globulus) shall be removed <br /> at the time of the construction of a principle residence or at the time of the construction of <br /> any structure, combination of structures, or additions to structures which individually or <br /> cumulatively equal or exceed nine hundred(900) square feet of floor area. <br /> (h) Views. In order to prevent blockage of scenic views and vistas, the height at maturity <br /> of proposed plants and trees shall be considered in determining the appropriateness of <br /> landscaping plans. <br /> (i) Amount required. The Town shall require only the minimum amount of landscaping <br /> necessary to implement the above policies. The amount of landscaping required by the Town <br /> shall be determined by the size of structure, the types of materials, and the colors proposed for <br /> structures. Structures that blend with the natural landscape will normally require less landscaping <br /> for screening purposes than will structures composed of non-natural materials and bright colors. <br /> Where slopes are too steep to support continuous ground cover, niches and ledges may be <br /> required for planting.Landscaping may be required for cuts and fills along public roads. <br /> (§ 15, Ord. 299,eff. December 11, 1985) <br />