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flVYRODUCTION. LANDSCAPING GOAL <br /> There are many factors that go into designing a landscape for a <br /> residence in a community Eke ours. The town of Los Altos HM <br /> remains one of the open country areas left in the congested <br /> expanding cities of the Bay Area. A great number of our homes <br /> border on the natural,undeveloped arm which provide a visual <br /> backdrop for much of the San Francisco Peninsula. Our goal in <br /> landscaping is to minimize the visual impact of the housing <br /> —structures with plantings which blend with the natural beauty of our <br /> native surroundings. <br /> enr <br /> -14 f <br /> r. A <br /> V I-P <br /> PAW <br /> DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS <br /> At the time of new construction, owners are required to present a <br /> plan for managing erosion on slopes, and for mitigating the impact or <br /> view of new structures from off site. The purpose is to keep the <br /> town looking less urban, to preserve the soil, and to retain the <br /> original contours as much as possible. Future plantings and changes <br /> should continue with the same goals. The General Plan calls for <br /> landscaping to create maximum compatibility of development with <br /> the natural environment. As a general guideline, the town <br /> recommends informal plantings. To achieve this,plant in random or <br /> staggered groups of a variety of species rather than formal rows or <br /> hedges. This method will avoid future difficulties in replacement if <br /> and when plants are killed by gophers or other problems. <br />