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503.2.2 Authority. The fire code official shall have the authority to require or permit <br />modifications to the required access widths and/or vertical clearance where they are <br />inadequate for fire or rescue operations or where necessary to meet the public safety <br />objectives of the jurisdiction. <br />U. Section 504.5 is added to read as follows: <br />Section 504.5 Access control devices. When access control devices including bars, <br />grates, gates, electric or magnetic locks or similar devices, which would inhibit rapid fire <br />department emergency access to the building, are installed, such devices shall be <br />approved by the fire code official. All electrically powered access control devices shall <br />be provided with an approved means for deactivation or unlocking from a single location <br />or otherwise approved by the fire code official. Access control devices shall also comply <br />with Chapter 10 Means of Egress <br />V. Section 510.1 is amended to read as follows: <br />510.1 Emergency responder radio coverage in new buildings. Approved radio <br />coverage for emergency responders shall be provided within all buildings meeting any <br />one of the following conditions: <br />a. There are more than 3 stories above grade plane (as defined by the Building Code <br />Section 202); <br />b. The total building area is 30,000 square feet or more; <br />c. The total basement area is 5,000 square feet or more; <br />d. Where required by the fire code official and radio coverage signal strength levels are <br />not consistent with the minimum levels set forth in Section 510.4.1 <br />Exceptions: <br />1. Where approved by the fire code official, a wired communication system in <br />accordance with Section 907.2.12.2 shall be permitted to be installed or maintained <br />in lieu of an approved radio coverage system. <br />2. Where it is determined by the fire code official that the radio coverage system is not <br />needed. <br />3. In facilities where emergency responder radio coverage is required and such systems, <br />components or equipment required could have a negative impact on the normal <br />operations of that facility, the fire code official shall have the authority to accept an <br />automatically activated emergency responder radio coverage system. <br />Ordinance 588 Page 6 <br />